Chapter 3

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Kayla's P.O.V.

I woke up with a killer headache, again. I didn't want to open my eyes for fear of the sunlight. Then, I realized I wasn't in my bed, this one felt completely different. The worst realization: I was naked, and cuddled next to a man holding me tight. Unfortunately, he was naked as well. I could feel it.

I probably just met Ethan last night. He must have come home early. I instinctively found his face and lightly kissed his cheek, I didn't want to wake him up, but I still wanted to kiss him. I slowly opened my eyes and a pang of guilt and shame hit me hard like a slap in the face.

The man laying beside of me was Gerard. My eyes darted around the room. It was Gerard's. Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. How will I explain this to Ethan? I'm so screwed!

I pried myself out of Gerard's strong grip. "Gerard, get the hell up!"

"Ah, what I'm awake!" He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Fuck."

"Damn right 'fuck'! What the hell happened last night?!"

"Hey, could you cool it, I have a really bad hangover."

I sat up and the blanket fell off of me. I quickly pulled it back up to cover myself. "Answer the fucking question."

"All I know is I was making out with a girl named Caitlin and..." he trailed off.


"So maybe her name was Kayla. Anyways, we were making out and I took her home and-"

"So, you're saying that if it wasn't me, you would've left me at the bar?"

"I kinda got really drunk and maybe... forgot about you."

"You fucking forgot me?!"

"Now, let's not get too-"

"Gerard, this is getting way out of hand. Your drinking is getting out of control." I laid back down on the pillow and tilted my head towards him to make eye contact.

"Well at least I didn't cheat on my boyfriend!"

"Let's repeat this. You forgot me, at a bar, in the middle of the night, to have sex with some whore named Caitlin."

"Okay, the whore was you, and you came home with me, so I didn't technically forget you."

"Um, you kinda did. You didn't actually know it was me, and you left without informing me that you were departing. You forgot me."

"Okay, fine I forgot you. But I'm fine. How will you explain this to Ethan?" He changed the subject and looked at me with bright hazel eyes filled with wisdom and curiosity.

"I don't know. Where's my phone?" I asked myself. Gerard shrugged his shoulders. "I wasn't asking you." I sat up, covering myself with the blanket. I began searching the floor. After a few silent moments I felt the bed bounce as Gerard shifted.

"Are you mad at me?" I looked at him and he was sitting up, resting on his hand, the other holding the blanket at his waist. His eyes were full of hurt and sorrow and darkened to a deep chocolate brown.

I sighed. "Yeah, I am."

"I'm sorry, Kayla. I'm sorry this all happened. I maybe should have listened to the bartender and stopped drinking."

"I guess I got pretty drunk too. I suppose the blame is partially mine," I said, giving him a smirk and trying to get rid of the sadness in his eyes. He smiled at me and his eyes brightened to a happy gold. I held his eyes for a few more moments, they were so fascinating. I began searching the floor for my phone again and I found it poking out of my shirt that had been carelessly tossed to the floor. I grabbed my shirt and looked at the words written across the chest. Ethan loves the Grateful Dead. I looked at my phone, debating whether or not to tell him. After hesitating for a few long minutes, I dialed his number.

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