Chapter 4

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Gerard's P.O.V.

I fumbled with the keys for a while before actually putting the right one in the lock. I unlocked the door and swung it open, blinking as my eyes adjusted to the dark room. I noticed Kayla was asleep on the couch and the tv was on. I looked at the clock on the wall as she woke up. 2:24 in the morning. "Gerard? What time is it?"
"About 2:30."
"And you're just getting home?" She looked sleepily at the floor, then got a look as though a... thought came to her. If that makes sense. "When did Frank go home?" Her dark brown eyes burned into my soul.
"About twelve." I knew she was about to pound me with her nagging.
However, instead of nagging, she just sighed and (much to my self-disappointment) I was glad to see her merely unhappily rub her eyes. She pat the cushion next to her and I sat down beside her. "What's up?"
"Gerard, I know this isn't your first and I'm sure it won't be your last."
Shit, an intervention, I thought.
"But this is your first intervention with just me, so I'm hoping that for some reason, this might sink in a little.
"You have a serious problem. You go out drinking every night, and you don't come home until really late. The night before last, you got so drunk you forgot me at a bar!"
"Actually-" I started to correct her.
"Psst! Anyway, we're all really worried about you. I'm really worried about you. You could be giving yourself a serious health condition with all of your excessive drinking. If you won't do it for your mother, your father, or Mikey, or me, do it for yourself. I know that with my constant nagging-"
You got that right.
"- you may not know it, but I really care about you. And I don't want to see anything bad happen to you. I also know that you may not care much for me but-"
"Wait, shut up for a second. You think I don't care about you?" I looked at her and her playful, earthen eyes were staring right back at me. Her pupils were large and dark, like a deep abyss. "I care about you more than anything!"
"Then stop drinking dammit!"
Completely brush off my advances whatever.
"Please, do it for me!"
"How in Hell is this your problem? This is my life, I'll make my own choices!" I growled. "It's my body, I'll fuck it up if I want to!"
Her eyes got glossy and watery. "Gerard, calm down."
I realized I was yelling, and remembered how she got scared when I yelled. "Goodnight, Kayla."
"Goodnight Gee."
I stood up and walked to my room. I slammed the door, kicked off my shoes, and took off my pants. I fell down on the bed and covered my eyes, lost in thought. I laid there for a while, thinking. I began to get up to get a pair of pajama pants, but fell asleep before I could stand.


I woke up with a killer headache and looked at my alarm clock. 3:12 in the afternoon. Fuck. I got out of bed and walked towards the door. As I reached for the doorknob my hand brushed against my bare thigh. I looked down and noticed I was still in my underwear. I sighed and found a pair of blue plaid pajama pants. Once I slid my legs through my pants I walked downstairs. I poured a cup of coffee and found a bottle of ibuprofen, dropping about three or four (I didn't count) into my palm, and chasing them with coffee.
I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv, mindlessly flipping through the channels. I heard Kayla running around upstairs. Why the Hell is she so energetic? Seven cups of coffee couldn't make her run around this much.
She came running down the stairs, but on the second step she tripped and fell.
"Shit, Kayla! Are you okay?" I jumped up and ran over to her.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm cool. Help me up." She held out her hand and I grabbed it, pulling her on her feet. I fell back down on the couch.
"So, what are you running around so much for?" I asked, flipping through channels again.
"This is why!" she explained. Before I had the chance to avert my eyes from the screen, she was shoving a phone in my face. I grabbed it and read the messages on the screen.
It was from Ethan.
"babe im sry i ovreactd & tried 2 kill ur emo frnd"
"It's okay. I'm sorry I cheated on you, I was really drunk. I love you Ethan!"
"ily 2 babe lets go out 2nite"
"Okay, where should we go?"
"ill pick u up at ur house it can b a surprise"
"Okay, what time?"
"Okay. See you then. Love you."
"c u 2"
"You're going out with him tonight?!"
"Yeah, why?"
I dropped the phone on the couch and glared at her. She was wearing a red t shirt, a black leather jacket, faded skinny jeans, and worn black chucks. She did her eyeliner right this time.
"Oh um... because he's an asshole, that's why! He abuses you dammit! He says he loves you, but if he really loved you, he would treat you like the most beautiful girl in the world. No, the only girl in the world! He would actually take the time to type out his apology, and type out 'I love you.' If someone says 'ily' they're a liar!"
"Gerard, this is my life, and I'll make my own goddam choices!"
We sat glaring at each other for a few minutes. A knock at the door broke our eye contact. Kayla ran to the door and opened it, inviting Ethan into the house. The first thing he did was glare at me. I immediately looked away. Not because he was intimidating, it's just hard for me to look a man in the eye if he saw my dick.
Fuck it. I got up, twisted his shirt in my fist, and pinned him against the wall.
"Gerard!" Kayla yelled. "What are you doing?"
"Listen to me asshole, if you really love Kayla, you won't be her enemy. You'd be her guardian angel."
"Oh, like you're being now? Put me down, emo faggot."
I let go of him and backed away. He smirked and I wanted to gauge out his freaking eyes as he walked towards the door.
Kayla ran up to me and kissed my cheek and said bye, I gave her a quick nod and a smile to try and convince her I'm not about to kill her boyfriend. She ran out the door and out to Ethan's car.

(A/N: Sorry this chapter was kinda short. And sorry it took so long to update. I was trying out a bunch of different ideas that turned out just terrible. There was one that may have caused some people emotional trauma/distress. I'm not even kidding. If I was, I would have went with that idea. And I feel like those trigger tags don't make anything better. I will say that it had something to do with Ethan's mistreatment of Kayla and it was sexual. It didn't have to do with self harm, or murder, or anything cray like that. You probably got it a long time ago, but in case you didn't, I'm not gonna say it.
Wow I'm long winded.
One last note: I'm gonna stop saying "I luh yough". If you've read my other story None More Fabulous, then you'll know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I'm gonna stop saying that because it takes to damn long to type. Luvya, bye.)

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