Energy and Enemy part 2

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*at hotel owned by Natasha father*

Natasha:we also have mission to find a kid...he was ran off away from orphanage after his grandparents pass away due to been suffocated by smoke from cars

Zatsuke:its hard to believe they died when smoke suffocating them

Bitty:any idea?


Cyan Bitbot:*arrive in hurry*bad news!

Natasha:what is it Gusty?!

*at oil refinery*

Two giants:*attacking*

Zatsuke:*arrive with the others*..there!

Leah:it must be them



Anubian:I've will not let you interfere our them what you can do

Bahari:Mizerak, Brasheon...destroy them!

Mizerak and Brasheon:*unleashed loud screeching noise before heading towards them*

Zatsuke:watch out!

Four of them:*split up to two groups*

Mizerak:*chase Zatsuke and Leah*

Brasheon:*chase Daxo and Natasha*


with Zatsuke and Leah*

Zatsuke and Leah:*running before dodge the attack*

Mizerak:*blasting at Zatsuke but miss and causing few problems due to place on fire*

Leah:its blast causing explosion and creating fires!

Zatsuke:now what

"We will handle it"

Zatsuke:?..who's there?

Sword:*emitted a light before appearing three lights*

Blue light:*scanning a nearby police car and assembling a replica of it before went into it*..named Guard Mach!

White light:*scanning a recent appeared rescue helicopter and do same as first light did* Guard Sky!


ed light:*do same on a broken down military armored car*..named Guard Armor!

Zatsuke:eh?!..they appear from this Sword!?

Guard Armor:*bash Mizerak leg*

Mizerak:*fell off*

Guard Mach:form up!!*transform into a robot*

Guard Sky and Guard Armor:form up!*transform into a robot*

Mizerak:*shooting at Guard Mach*


Guard Mach:*use his gun*

Guard Armor:*appearing gigantic gauntlets*..Armstrong Fist!*punch it*

Guard Sky:Sky Typhoon Water!!..*unleashed a storm that carrying a water to put out the fire*


*with Daxo and Natasha*

Brasheon:*try to attack*

Daxo:watch out!


Guard Armor:Armstrong Fist!!*punch it*

Brasheon:*fell off along with defeated Mizerak*

Anubian:why you!!..just who hell are you?!

Guard Mach:we are

Guard trio:Guard Triangle

Anubian:Guard were so lucky

*as he left..Bahari snapped from his hypnosis and realize what he done*

Bahari:I've...did not mean it

Guard Mach:we know..but one can have dream to save world from petroleum by peaceful method


Guard Mach:(how could he use this innocent kid heart for this destructive thing)

*at headquarters*

Professor Reese:me and Ogoki discussed after I've found this said that a couple with son name Bahari

Three of them:it's him?!


Zatsuke:yeah but what it said?

Professor Reese:according to this file. 1973 oil crisis or first oil crisis began in October 1973 when the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), led by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, proclaimed an oil embargo. The embargo was targeted at nations that had supported Israel during the Yom Kippur War.[2] The initial nations targeted were Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States, though the embargo also later extended to Portugal, Rhodesia and South Africa. By the end of the embargo in March 1974,[3] the price of oil had risen nearly 300%, from US$3 per barrel ($19/m3) to nearly $12 per barrel ($75/m3) globally; US prices were significantly higher. The embargo caused an oil crisis, or "shock", with many short- and long-term effects on global politics and the global economy.[4] It was later called the "first oil shock", followed by the 1979 oil crisis, termed the "second oil shock

Leah:how they solve it?

Ogoki:by developing new renewable energy...examples is solar as converting sun energy to solar energy solar panel....his mother developing more windmill while his father make watermill...but however they found dead..because of that...their son were care under supervision of his grandparents in dubai

Leah:how sad

Daxo:who done this thing

*at office building*

Secretary(F):Mr CEO Nagate sir...we should increase our profit of petroleum

Nagate:well...thank you for information Minzei

Minzei:*went out*

Nagate:*smirk*..soon Oshikawa and his company will bankrupt

Energy and Enemy:The End

Double facts with Leah and Professor Reese

Professor Reese:A windmill is a structure that converts wind power into rotational energy using vanes called sails or blades, by tradition specifically to mill grain, but in some parts of the English-speaking world the term has also been extended to encompass windpumps, wind turbines, and other applications

Leah:Hydropower has been used for a long time in water-mills built on rivers. Hydroelectric power is harnessed through the same principle, water driving electric generators but now, other sources are exploited such as tides and waves. Today, on a worldwide standpoint, it is the most used renewable energy

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