Dogmatic Problem part 2

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*at manufacturing section*

Leah and Cesar Millan:*disguise as worker*

Leah:*whisper*this should be a section where they preparing the ingredients for dog food

Cesar Millan:*whisper*yeah...They are water proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. To achieve the right balance of nutrients pet food manufacturers blend mixtures of ingredients including meat and fish, vegetables, cereals, vitamins and minerals to produce foods that will satisfy the nutritional requirements of your dog

Leah:*whisper*I've see

Security guard:why you here..get back to work...*walk away*

Leah:*look at most of dog foods*

Cesar:*take one and drop it and pretend accidentally drop it*my bad...*grab it and place it in glove and pretend to be place it back*

*as the workers take a break..they went outside*

Cesar Millan:*give it*this might be help

Jane:*take it*thanks for your help

*so they went to the lab in the camp near large boulder*

Jane:*analysis the contents of dog food*just I've expected...they add causing most dog eat it get aggression unnaturally

Cesar Millan:that's against the law

Zatsuke:we should ask the chairman with the hard way

*so police and FBI went to interrogate but*

Mizerak and Brasheon:*appear between them and the Antox*

Zatsuke:we will handle it

Guard Mach:*transform and fire at Mizerak to distract it*

Guard Armor:Armstrong Fist!*punch Brasheon*

Many drone:*fire at them with machine-gun*

Guard Sky:Sky Typhoon Thunder!*unleashed his Thunderous attack that destroy the drones*

*at office*

Security guard 1:chairman Zesh!..we have take you away from here!


Security guard 2:yea-*kicked by Jane*ack!

Jane:*dodge the bullet and kick the other one*

Zesh:*try to run away*

Cesar Millan:*teach the pitbull dog to peeing*

Pitbull:*peeing on the floor*

Zesh:*slipped*what the?!..*hit the wall*ugh!

Cesar Millan:good boy..*give dog treat*this is why you were good boy

Jane:you can leave him to us

*at battle*

Brasheon:*defeated by Guard Sky and Guard Mach*

Mizerak:*take Brasheon and teleport*

Zatsuke:we did it

*at police station*

Jane:why you do that!..that's outrageous for using drug on dog food!!

Cesar Millan:tell me why?

Zesh:my daughter...she was coma due to dog attack and its owner were refused to confess and make me furious

Leah:so she coma because of dog?!

Zesh:because of irrepressible...I've give suffering

Zatsuke:who is the owner of the dog?!

Zesh:not know but...something make me think all of dog owner were irrepressible


*at Nagate office*

Nagate:how is your dog Goroshi

Goroshi:*drinking his favourite soda*...according to the plan

Nagate:good...even government unable to get me as long as I've have change everything in matter of second..even Darkness Servant wouldn't bother me as I've have Phantom-Bane

Goroshi:I've know...he is one we found at the ice in Antarctica

Nagate:good...we should begin our next plan from tomorrow at the Peru

Dogmatic Problem:the end

Double facts with Leah and Professor Reese

Leah:Aggression in dogs commonly includes body language or threat displays such as a hard stare, growling, barking, snarling, lunging, snapping, and/or biting. Aggression can be a normal form of communication in dogs, yet the display of aggression toward a person or animal is often considered undesirable or problematic

Professor Reese:Canidae is a biological family of dog-like carnivorans, colloquially referred to as dogs, and constitutes a clade. A member of this family is also called a canid. The family includes three subfamilies: the extant Caninae and the extinct Borophaginae and Hesperocyoninae

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