Sky of Madness part 2

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*at urgent situation*

Fat guy:*shot both passengers that try to attack*..see..if you resist...same thing happened to you

Many passengers:*scare*

*at door to cockpit*

Fat guy:*aim his gun at flight attendant*open the door

Flight attendant:I've tell you that only he know that

Fat guy:you

Claire and Claire mom:?!

*at cockpit*

Pilot:*received a call*..whats happening?

Claire mom:dear..please


Fat guy:if you don't want your family the door...or else they will be dead that your wife and daughter?

Claire dad:*sigh and turning the switch*

*as result..the fat guy went in*

Fat guy:*beating him up*..alright...disconnecting all the system from here and the airport to sure no one will tracking us

*as he instructing toilet*

Bullix:*appear as human-sized robotic minotaur*let see?...*look at it and realize*a dead body?..*saw Bitty wheels*Bitty!..*lifting the body up*..are you alright?!

Bitty:thanks...I've need to tell that explosive is not exist!..*saw it*incoming!!

Scary guy:*try to attack by punching him*

Bullix:*block it with his arm*calm down!

Scary guy:*kick his snout*

Bullix:ouch!..that's too far!. *headbutting until it knocked out*..there

Blonde woman:*aim her gun*who are you?!..sort of stowaway?!

Bullix:hey..I've didn't make any trouble but-*his horn hit by bullet*?!..hey!

*as plane flying passing the cyclone..a debris hit one of the engine causing it exploded*

Fat guy:what's going on?!

Claire dad:something destroy one of main engine!

*at seat*

Zatsuke:not looking good

*as the situation even worse..a oxygen mask fall and hanging on*

Flight attendant:please wearing oxygen mask!

All passengers:*wear it*

Zatsuke:*wear it*(where is he)

Daxo:*wear oxygen mask*(where is Bullix?)

*with Bullix and Bitty*

Bullix:*feel shaken*now what?!

Blonde woman:don't make any mov-*hit by flinging knocked out scary guy*aaaah!

Bitty:*look at window and realize*smoke?!

Bullix:how we save this thing?!

Bitty:*feel an instinct led him got an idea*I've got it!...Bullix

Bullix:what is it?

Bitty:*whispering it*


*at near emergency door*

Bullix:alright...this is for life within it!...*pull it until open it*now!

Bitty:*jump off*

Bullix:*close it shut*hope his idea will work

*as Bitty diving*

Bitty:*grew and changed into a Megabot-like robot*...Flight mode!..*appearing jetpack and started flying*

*at cockpit*

Copilot:any idea?!

Claire dad:we must do emergency landing!

*at suddenly*


Claire dad:why this plane going up

Claire mom:not know what happened?

*at below*

Bitty:*lifting it*

*as response*

Guard Sky:*appear from Zatsuke sword and went through the toilet*

Bitty:its too heavy

Guard Sky:*lifting it to help Bitty*need a help

Bitty:Guard Sky

*at cockpit*

Fat guy:why this plane going up!?..answer me ri-*try to aim it on Claire but his hand grabbed hard by Bullix*aaaaaaah!!

Bullix:sleep!..*punch it until he been knocked out*

Daxo:*crash to the wall*ugh!

Blonde boy:*try to attack*

Bullix:*block it*

Blonde boy:*look at window and ran away*


Leah:let him be...we will meet him one day

*with Zatsuke*

Zatsuke:*give back vaccine*here

VIP scientist:thanks but the guy responsible for it still run away

Zatsuke:then we-*feel someone open the emergency door*?!

*due to air pressure..the plane they lifting started out control*

Copilot:we will make emergency landing then!

*so they gently do emergency landing on the beach until successful*

Claire dad:are you alright

Claire mom:we fine

Claire:thanks daddy

Claire dad:not just me

Bitty:we thanks for your bravery for both family and passengers

Claire dad:no..thanks

Bullix:well...while you starting emergency landing

Leah:we instructing most passengers go to the back part of the plane since it is safest part of the plane

Zatsuke:we should give those peoples to police


VIP scientist:alright..with this vaccine...we will stop the plague

Claire dad:hey...did you see him


Bullix:his copilot

*as they distance*

Copilot:damn...if wasn't for the that weird minotaur. Our plan will be success

Blonde boy:*look at them*

Shaddy guy:what now?

Copilot:as leader..of the organisation..we will need more sources to make more...let's go..


Sky of Madness:The End

Double facts with Leah and professor Reese

Leah:The subsequent raid on the aircraft by Egyptian troops killed 56 of the 86 passengers, 2 of the 3 hijackers and 2 of the 6 crew, making the hijacking of Flight 648 one of the deadliest such incidents in history

Professor Reese:The hijacked plane will be shot down if it is deemed to become a missile heading for strategic targets. The hijacked plane will be escorted by armed fighter aircraft and will be forced to land. A hijacked grounded plane will not be allowed to take off under any circumstance

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