Alternative Animals Part 1

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*at somewhere in Gaia Kingdom*

Prince Jazer:another world?

Hiragi:indeed...and look at those things*show a photo*

Prince Jazer:*look at it*Australia had population of flycatcher?

Azami:its ridiculous..on earth..cane toads are the one introduced although later make mistakes

Hiragi:not only that...the wool economy decreased at that world...somehow farmers believe it was witches who guarding tasmanian tiger due to rumours said if they ever kill even a young..they will be cursed with plague..harmless to animals but fatal to humans...they can hunt if they give an offering consist of food that animals witches guarding but only once for a year

Yuzuriha:and also some sailors also fear the witches in island of Mauritius

Prince Jazer:so animals once extinct due to human activities exists...we should sent Tachibana to observe it

Tachibana:so I've ask Zatsuke and his friends

Shiroki:why them?

Tachibana:Tagiru was on the vacation with we decided ask Kaburagi family for this mission

*at Kaburagi headquarter*

Zatsuke:so that's how the world you discovered had different from here?

Tachibana:indeed...wanna join our expedition

Leah:I've love to see animals once extinct from human activities

*so they went to the portal room of Gaia Kingdom lab*

Tachibana:let's go to see what other else had offer

*so Kaburagi team went to the new they arrive in tasmania*


Daxo:so many of them

Leah:according to database of tasmanian tiger...Government bounties in the 19th and early 20th centuries made hunting Tasmanian tigers all the more appealing. Eventually, this systematic slaying decimated the species, and as a result, the thylacine has been presumed extinct for the last 87 years..their livestock always be hunted by carnivorous marsupial...but due to something change this world...everyone seems to avoiding hunt tasmanian tiger

Zatsuke:*saw tasmanian tiger chowing on the meal*look

Tasmanian tiger:*eating*

Dobushi:initiating scanning..*scanning it*

Daxo:wow...even time travel is now useless because abundance of lifes

Leah:but because their sheep's decreased...wool economy now collapsing

Tachibana:not only that...invasive species and also anything like from hunting due to Chinese demand also seems to be ceased from existence

Zatsuke:*saw horde of angry tasmanian tiger*uh oh

Horde of tasmanian tiger:*surrounding while Few of them yawning revealed amazing wide open jaw*

Leah:now what


Bullix:*appear from Daxo bracelet*..who wanna some fist sandwich!!

Horde of tasmanian tigers:*freak out and flee*


*at South Africa*

Tachibana:even quagga still exist

Leah:witches somehow cause alterations to every times but I've heard from Ryuko said one of Darkness Servant was execute any time traveller's

Tachibana:if wasn't done by time travel then what cause of this alternative existence

*at New caledonia*

Mysterious boy:*holding a orb that was a Wishing Orb*I've don't care about their these animals can live and thrive

To Be Continued

Double facts with Leah and professor Reese

Leah:Starting in the 1800s, industrialization drove up extinction rates and has continued to do so. For example, Chinese river dolphins, foothill yellow-legged frogs, and sockeye salmon are among the many species currently endangered by water pollution, dams, and other industrial pressures on rivers

Professor Reese:The Dodo is a lesson in extinction. Found by Dutch soldiers around 1600 on an island in the Indian Ocean, the Dodo became extinct less than 80 years later because of deforestation, hunting, and destruction of their nests by animals brought to the island by the Dutch. The Dodo may not always have been flightless

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