Unnatural and Supernatural Part 2

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*4 days since they live in Crizure town*

Daxo:*eat the bread while mumbling*really?

Zatsuke:yeah...she was still worried about Reese and her parents

Bullix:but how...he instructing us

Few peoples:*look with sympathy for Leah family*

Zatsuke:yeah...too bad Zei team go out earlier

*at sudden timing*

Lilian:*appear until saw Leah*whats matter?

Leah:my family...taken by police for their neglection towards Aimu

Lilian: Aimu ? *Thinking then remember it* Adra and Maichi told me that she has been chosen to become a new exchange student at RAD

Leah: RAD ?

Lilian: Located in Devildom. There was an exchange program for humans, angels and demons. I was one of the former student that represented the human world alongside other one named Solomon

Ixia: I heard about that. It was meant to create a strong relationship between three realms-

Zatsuke: Do you think we can go there ?

Lilian:...There's abit of risk right now...Adra told me that others had to handle with Viocrowler Potion Crime. Even Lucifer has become a victim...

Zatsuke: Lucifer ? You mean the pride demon ?

Lilian: And the oldest among his brothers

Daxo:so how we get here?

Lilian:follow me

*so they went to the main area until they arrive*

Ixia: This is the main heart of this forest. The so-called Will-O-Wisp Area

Leah:*Saw many fairies and yokais* Woah...

Lilian: Yokais here are the one that responsible for guarding the area-

Shigeko: Lilian. Who is this human and robots ?

Lilian: They are kids. No need to be alarmed

Shigeko: We already had to deal with prehistoric newborn creature. I hope that they didn't caused any trouble

Aoi: Well...and the robots ?

Sheng: It's not like they can grow big or something

Bitty:*saw something at the distance within portal*is that Gabooga?!

*at Devildom woods*

Gabooga:do it!..or else I've wi-*grabbed by Mythy*?!

Mythy:you went too far!...woah!*tossed to the dried out lake*ow!


Dr Frib:*struggling his grip*let go!

Gabooga:*confronted by Bitty*

Bitty:what are you doing?!

Gabooga:this..is..none of your business!!..*use his arm cannon*

Bitty:*use energy shield*

Zatsuke:*saw Tagiru with the others*Tagiru

Tagiru:I've know you want her be with dad but she is not happy if you harm him for her...how you tell her if you harm someone..you can make her upset

Gabooga:really..so this is pointless for bring her by forcefully him...*put him down*

Himani:mommy told me she want you and daddy live with us because something we not know it

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