Chapter 24 - Upside down

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      "Only three days and then you'll get rid of tests and assessments too," I say excitedly, closing my locker, trying not to brag about my already completed school situation

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      "Only three days and then you'll get rid of tests and assessments too," I say excitedly, closing my locker, trying not to brag about my already completed school situation.

      I should clean it out, it looks more unkempt than Harlyn's shoe closet. Besides the many scattered books and notebooks, a few posters and stickers lie half detached from the ceiling and walls of the closet, giving it a shabby air. I turn so I can look at my friends, just in time to startle at Raine's excited squeal.

      "Lucas's birthday is in twenty days!" she exclaimes, her eyes focused on the phone.

      She probably got a notification from the calendar application, like usual. However, it's a bit early to announce it. For example, I would forget in five days that a birthday is coming up, so I would need to be notified about it three days before, because it is enough to wander around the mall and find a decent present.

      "You scared us, Raine! I thought it was something like some spider or worse, an ugly coat, but no... it was someone's birthday!" Harlyn calls her out, drawing a few glances at us. "You are obsessed!" she murmurs, rolling her eyes.

      Flipping her hair back with one hand like a diva, Harlyn leaves us, her steps echoing like an annoying song that you can't get out of your head. Before climbing the stairs, she throws a grin at me and Raine, and we return it. Laughing, I turn my attention to Raine, who has lost her state of excitement as if by magic, as soon as Harlyn left our sight. I make a confused face, but she just shakes her head, refusing to reveal the reason for her sudden change in mood. I'm sure it's not because of Harlyn, because even though she wanted to seem upset, her acting skills didn't last long, her smile being the result of this. I scan the room, but as I approach my friend to figure out which direction she was looking in, she turns to her closet, which she closes hastily, even with a hint of anger, then murmurs something incomprehensible. How am I supposed to find out what's wrong? If I pester her with questions, she'll get annoyed with me and won't talk to me for days.

      "I have something to do. See you later," she informs me, then hurries to leave.

      I watch her until she turns right around the corner, disappearing behind a large group of students. Even stretching my neck and running after her, it's impossible to keep up, not to mention that my view is obstructed by the crowd acting as a shield. Leaving her to her privacy, I head in the opposite direction, forcing my legs to listen to me, even though my mind is focused on solving the bad mood that has enveloped Raine. 

      The image of Hale talking to Zayden a few meters ahead makes my legs stop, and my brain screams: turn around and run, but I don't get to carry out my plan because my brother is leaving too, passing by me and avoiding eye contact. I head towards Zayden, not before checking if there are many people around, because neither of us wants to be speculated about being a couple, such rumors spread around the school quickly. There's only one boy left in the hallway checking his phone, walking slowly but confidently towards class, and three girls whispering about him, spying on him. They are not subtle at all, but his lack of attention to the surrounding world helps them. The hallway emptied quickly, as some have classes, and others are in a hurry to leave the school. Now I wonder where Harlyn is headed. We're done with classes, and she was going upstairs, which is not like her, as she always eagerly awaits the bell ringing. Maybe she's staying for Maxine's class. Yes, that must be it.

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