Chapter 42 - Why me?

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      I can't stand this hour anymore

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      I can't stand this hour anymore. All I want is for it to be over. I'm very tired because we got back around four in the morning yesterday, but I had too much adrenaline in me, so I couldn't fall asleep quickly. I'm also not the type who can take a nap in the afternoon. I woke up at nine because of the faint sunlight that penetrated through our blinds. Initially, I thought I was quite well-rested, but over time, I began to feel the fatigue accumulated throughout the night. Last night, I went to bed around midnight, but even the seven hours of sleep weren't enough. It would have been more if Harlyn hadn't woken us up in the middle of the night to get ready. Our classes start at eight.

      Nevin is pretty much dead inside and out after that night, he has no energy at all, and he's practically drooling on the hand he's leaning on. Yesterday he felt unwell all day, and from what he told me, Zayden took care of him much better than I could have. In a way, it's noticeable that Zayden is more mature and has a little more experience than us. I have immense respect for how he handles serious situations and how much attention he pays to his friends and, in general, people he cares about. However, I can't forget how miserable I felt when he left us for Natalia, and the only explanation I got was that he felt guilty for introducing Lexi and Valencia because of him and that he wanted to help. But something tells me there's more to it than that.

      "You're spilling on the table," I inform him, reaching for his elbow to shake it a bit.

      Nevin mutters something indecipherable and shifts his weight to the other hand, turning his back to me. I feel sorry for him, even though he brought it upon himself and it's entirely his fault, but that's why I don't press him to tell me what happened with Harlyn. I can't bring up this topic with her, even though I don't have a valid reason, just that it seems inappropriate to me. Raine, who is closer to her, doesn't seem as interested, but she wasn't the shoulder Nevin cried on after every public display of affection the blonde had with any guy. Well, I haven't always been there for him either, but not because of me, but because he chose to keep it to himself and put up an indifferent facade.

      The hour ends, and I get up, shaking my legs that have gone numb from hours of sitting at my desk, when I see Nevin gaining momentum and coming over to me, already with his backpack on his back.

      "I have a meeting with the organizing committee," he informs me regretfully. "Will you come pick me up when it's over?"

      I look at him in surprise but feeling guilty because I wasn't accepted.

      "From where?"

      "From the auditorium."

      I nod in agreement, even though I don't think it's a very good idea, but I can always send him a message saying I no longer want to or that something has come up.

      "Let's go," I hear Harlyn, who is standing in the doorway, addressing Nevin.

      He rushes to her, and they both disappear, leaving me with more questions than I already had.

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