Don't Tell Eric

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 I stretched out my body while yawning-feeling every bone tingle with relief. I opened and closed my eyes allowing them to adjust to the light of the room. The window was directly on my face which made me squint a little. Last night's events had just hit me like running into a brick wall. Trevor had had a break down and I stayed the night here...Just then I noticed the warm had resting lazily on my side. I turned my neck and my eyes widened when I saw how close I was to his sleeping face. Bags resided under his eyes and his skin laid pale. I slowly lifted his hand off my side and placed it on the bed. He released a breath and he shifted his body a little.

                This was actually really awkward-getting out of bed-out of Trevor's bed. I don't even remember laying directly next to him. I could have sworn I fell asleep at the edge of the bed. I sat up from the bed and slowly walked towards the window not wanting to wake up Trevor. I really hope no one sees me leaving his room out this window. If I used the door that would be much worst-you know how people talk. I opened the window and luckily my window was still open-however that means bugs too. Shit.

                When my feet hit the ground I let out a sigh of relief and collapsed onto my bed. After I checked my text messages I laid back and closed my eyes. My moment of peace and quiet was shortly lived when my bedroom door was opened.

                "When did you get in?" Eric asked.

                "What?" I quickly asked. Nervous that he knew I was at Trevor's, Eric would kill us if he found out I slept in the same bed as him.

                "I came by earlier and you weren't in here." He explained. "I didn't hear you come in either so..."

                "Oh! I went for a walk and I guess I just got by you somehow." I shrugged while reaching for my remote. "What are we doing today?"

                "Tomorrow is Christmas."

                "It is indeed."

                "Did you get mom anything?" Eric asked with a pained look. I glared at him and sat up straight.

                "Oh, no. You're not signing your name on my gift." I angrily pointed my finger at him while he gave me pleading eyes. He did this every time! Suddenly the special gift I bought mom becomes something from us.

                "Come on Jamie!"

                "Nope. You better go out today or something."

                "Ugh-you're so mean." He groaned. "Let's watch a movie at home, yeah?"

                "Sure. Is mom home?"

                "She should be in the kitchen. Hey Jamie, I haven't asked you in a while-how are you?" Eric sat down on my bed and frowned as he examined my face.

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