Unwanted vs. Wanted Moments

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Enjoy My lovely readers! ---> Picture is Zac

My bottom lip stayed locked in my mouth as my teeth bit down in determination. I swerved in and out of lanes earning some long honks. People scattered all around watching in horror as our cars sped down the almost empty streets. I turned down the deserted ally only blocks away from victory.

I took a sharp right and instantly felt the pressure in the back of the car as the prick behind me slammed into me. I hit my head on the steering wheel. I hissed in pain but still focused. He continued to ram my car now moving to the side. I fought to keep balance and keep driving. All I saw were my surroundings rushing pass in a blur.

The street illuminated by streetlights. I felt the rush. The rush I needed right now. The rush I needed to forget. I huffed thinking about it. I changed gears and pushed forward moving to almost 140 mph. The guy was still next to me and was inching in front of me. I could see the finish line and I quickly snapped my head to the right and looked at the guy. He casted me the same look. I changed gears again and sped up a little. He noticed and did something to his engine. I laughed at his attempt to use nitrogen. Too early buddy. I clicked a secret button I head and instantly boosted forward and pass the douche.


I cut off my engine and stepped out the car. I was instantly enveloped with cheers and applause. Soon enough arms circled around me and hugged me. Everything was happening so fast. I felt a little dizzy but that didn’t stop the smile spreading on my face.

“That was amazing! You were so badass! Damn. I must have rubbed off on you.” Stephan said proudly. I laughed a shook my head. Matt agreed and patted my back. I winced when I felt pressure on my forehead. Just then did I notice someone had placed their thumb on my forehead.

“You’re bleeding.” Damon frowned. I saw him remove his thumb, there was blood rubbed on his skin.

“I feel fine.” I sighed dramatically.

“I’ll kick his ass.” Rick yelled. I rolled my eyes and object.

“Rick stop. Just forget about him. I did this to get you out of a fight.” I scolded him. He smiled innocently and gave me a hug. People still continued to cheer and show shocked faces. Some just plain pointing at me. I looked to the right and saw my competitor. He looked upset and disappointed. The guys were talking about my win so they weren’t paying much attention. He locked eyes with me and I gave him a small smile. He gave me a nod showing respect and I returned it putting my fist up a little. He’s not so bad! He should drop the girl though!

“Good job.” A voice grumbled. I snapped my head in Sanders’s directions and I’m sure my eye’s bulged out. Did he just speak to me? Did he actually speak words? He sounded unhappy almost dead. But that was a compliment!

“T-thank you.” I stutter. I smile to myself and squeeze my eyes shut a little. My head is throbbing a little.

“Maybe you should sit down.” Matt suggested.

“No. I’m fine.” I smile.

“Let’s at least clean your cut up. I don’t want you going home and then they think we beat you up.” Damon muttered. I laughed and agreed. He grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd. People gave me compliments and praise. Some even threw some winks at me which caused Damon to squeeze my hand tighter. We came up to the shack and Zac rushed over.

“Is she ok?” Zac asked in a panic.

“She bumped her head while racing. I need that first aid kit.” Damon ordered. Zac nodded and snatched the first aid kit motioning for us to follow him into the back room.

Surrounded by Bad BoysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon