I'm Jamie F*%#ing Jamison!

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Some of my early readers are having troubling remembering all the guys right? So Damon's friends (Damon is Danny's step brother) are Stephan Matt and Sanders. Trevor's group is Eric, Liam Miles and Danny. Ian is Sean's best friend and Sean is her ex. Rick is Jamie's best friend. And Rebecca and Lexi are friends with Jamie because they Work together. i hope this helps a little :/ Enjoy love bugs. I hate bugs...Love ice cream...

Ian on the side or above.

The dreaded first day of school...

Kill me please. I threw my blanket back and sat up in bed. I looked out my window it was still dark out. I looked at the time on my cable box; 4:27 a.m. Shit why am I up so early? I let out a yawn and decided to go for a run. I still had at least two hours before I needed to be awake. High School. I shivered at the thought. It's my senior year-which is good, I can be free from everything in college. I changed in to some appropriate running clothes, nothing special and made sure to grab my phone and headphones before walking out my room. I decided to check on Eric before I left just to check in.

I creaked open his door and looked in. His body was sprawled all over his bed and his blanket was thrown to the side. I crept next to him and took his blanket and pulled it up to his waist. He gets hot fast so I made sure to leave his upper body uncovered. His breathing was steady and calming. I bent forward and placed a quick kiss on his forehead. I turned and left his room.

A week has passed since that chaotic day. I have no problem with anyone I've just kept my distance lately. Mom took me away for a spa retreat. It was refreshing and cleansing. I just got home last night. Eric and I kindly greeted each other, the tension was gone but we are just trying not to bump heads. I already told Tye before I left that I wouldn't be in for work. He said it was no problem and said he would see me in two weeks.

I walked out the door and began stretching my arms. I turned my music on loud and began running. I decided to go left route and kept going.  I haven't seen any of the guys yet since I've gotten back and I'm a little relieved about that. With everything going on I just need a break. And that retreat away with mom really helped-I even apologized to her. So here I am running when I just decide to turn down Danny's street. There's a circle I can go around and then run home. I pass houses and cars but slow down when I see a light on at Danny's house.

There's a motorcycle parked outside, not just and motorcycle but Damon's. I took out my headphones and slowly came to a stop. The door swung open and I jumped behind a car so they wouldn't see me. I peeped around the car and watched an angry Damon stomp down the stairs then run a hand through his hair. Next out the door stomped an even angrier Danny. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering why Damon would be here so late at night. Then like a button it clicked! How could I have been so dumb and blind!? Danny's step brother was clearly Damon. That's why he was acting so strange at the mall about me meeting Damon, and that night of the party when Damon said he dropped his bike off at home! I'm such an idiot! I laugh in disbelief at what I just discovered I didn't even get to listen to what they were arguing about before Damon hopped on his bike and rode away in my direction I squat down lower until he passes and stand when I hear Danny slam his door.

I don't even bother running after what I discovered I turned around and began slowly walking home processing everything. Why didn't anyone tell me? I mean...I didn't ask but that's just something you tell someone! I was confused most of all. I mean I can't be angry they didn't tell me even though I am slightly. I finally arrive home and take a long shower still thinking of everything. I feel used in a way. Damon knew I was one of Danny's friends...is that why he wanted to be all close to me? Because he knew it would anger Danny and the others? I really hope that's not the case because I would have to really kick someone's ass.  

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