Learning New Things

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"Can you believe the nerve of those guys!?" I yell into the phone. As soon as I got home I called Rick and fumed to him about what just happened. He was just as shocked as I was.

                "Does Eric know about this?" Rick asked suspiciously.

                "I hope he doesn't! He better not have. I don't know Rick. I just stormed away I-I was just so-wow! I can't believe they could do something like that!" I was frantically prancing back and forth in my room, moving my arms while I spoke.

"I don't like what they did either J-maybe you should talk to Eric ask him what he knows, but I don't really like you being around that. But don't be so quick to judge either. I know what it looked like and it was wrong but you don't know the full story."

Rick is right-I don't know the full story. But what I do know is the only thing that matters. Trevor recorded himself having sex with a girl. And then showed it to other people! That is just disgusting! "Yeah, I get that Rick but-but-I don't want to be around that." I sigh.

                "I get it sweetie-hey I asked out a girl today." Rick stated. I could hear the smile in his voice.

                "Oh this is great! Who is it?"

                "Giselle." He said shyly. I cooed and made fun of him knowing he would be embarrassed.

                "That's great Rick! What do you have planned?"

                "Just hang out. Nothing big."

                "Well that sounds great, I'm happy for you." I smile softly.

                "Thanks Jamie...So have you heard from Sean?"

                "Um...yeah, I did actually. The other night he showed up at a race. But I think he got the message that we are over."

                "Oh...that's good news. Are you okay?"

                "I'll make it Rick. I'll be okay." I sigh. "I should go. I love you, talk to you later."

                "Later Hun."

I sighed and flopped down on my bed. I thought about what happened earlier and even the first day when she ran out the cafeteria. But then Lexi giving her that strange look-there's a reason why. Somehow this all clicks together. I just don't know.

I heard the front door open and close. I wasn't sure if Eric brought home the others-hopefully not, but who knows. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs and then stop in front of my door. I stared at my door while the person waited on the other side. "Can I come in?" I heard Eric's voice. I sat up and told him he could open the door.

"Hey...what's up?" Eric asked sitting down on my bed.

"Don't play dumb Eric. Did you know about the video?" I snapped.

"I found out today J, I swear. Once you left, they came over and told me you were upset and explained what happened and then explained the video." I stared at Eric a bit to see if he was lying or not. But I could see the honesty in his eyes.

"Okay...I believe you." I sigh.

"The video was taken months ago. A few weeks before summer was ending."

                I snapped my eyes to his and gave him a blank stare. "That still doesn't make it alright." I shrug. If it happened months ago why would he be showing it still?

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