chapter two

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Chapter two.

And there's your baby,  appears to be doing fine.

Dr. Cooper said to the couple as she pointed to the screen.

"Oh thank god, said marlena as she let out a few happy tears, and even john had to hold his own tears back.

"I'll give you two a few minutes alone" Dr. Cooper said as she left the room, leaving the relieved parents to themselves.

"I'm so happy that Jack's ok, I was

so worried john, I couldn't lose him, not after everything, marlena told her husband.

"I know, I don't know what I'd do if I lost him either, or if I lost you, john told marlena truthfully.

marlena gazed into her husband's beautiful blue eyes before reaching up to kiss him, holding his head carefully in her hands.

I love you, marlena told her husband.

I love you too, john told his wife.

Two Weeks Later.

marlena had been released from the hospital a week ago and she was doing much better.

john has a new job, to protect his wife and child.

he took a leave of absence from work

marlena loved waking up in the morning to hear john telling Jack exactly which of his body parts were developed at that point in her pregnancy.

She loved john bringing her breakfast in bed everyday, and rubbing her feet, and going to sleep in his arms at night, It was all perfect.

Except for the looming threats hanging over their heads.

They still had no idea just who was messing with them.

Just who had scared marlena at the wedding and then poisoned her.

john and bo had talked in depth about it At first they thought it was

an enemy of marlena's, because the attacks had both been on her.

it probably wasn't an enemy of marlena's.

john's enemies wouldn't want to directly hurt him, they'd want him to suffer, and what better way than torturing his wife and son before killing them.

But john would be damned if he let that happen.

He was going to protect his family at all costs, and bo was there to back him up.

The phone rang as marlena was taking an evening nap, and john rushed to answer it.

marlena had been so tired lately and he didn't want it to wake her.

"Hello, john said, walking out of the room as to not disturb her.

"Hello?, john  said again when there was no answer.

Who the hell is this?, john demanded.

"Meet me down at the docks, one hour, Come alone, your family's lives depend on it.

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