chapter five

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chapter  five

marlena had finally fallen asleep and slept for a good few hours after her initial nightmares.

Bo and hope had left, marlena was now alone with only George, the guard.

marlena woke up after those few hours passed.

marlena Looking down, she saw that she was still in her clothes and even her shoes, but she didn't care,

She didn't have the energy to change.

marlena is in the  kitchen, she reached for a glass in the cabinet, intent on getting some water.

"You shouldn't reach for things like that, It's not good for the baby,

said a voice behind her.

marlena screamed and dropped the glass, listening as it shattered on the floor.

marlena Spinning around, she came face to face with George.

"Oh George, thank god it's only you,  You scared the shit out of me,

marlena  said with a laugh.

"That was the point, george as he reached into his pocket.

Before marlena could react, something went over her mouth and nose, and she collapsed from the chloroform into George's arms.

john was pacing his cell, back and forth, back and forth.

He couldn't stop wondering about marlena.and the baby.

Looking at his watch, john saw that it was more than 12 hours since he had been kidnapped.

johm Banging on the door as he started yelling for the guard.

The brutish guard opened the door and stared at him.

"What, you're not going to even bring me anything to eat?, john asked snidely.

"Oh, we'll bring you something better" said Kristen as she walked into the room, George behind her.

George dumped marlena's unconscious body on the cot and john ran over to her in fear.

john takes her small hand in his and feeling for a pulse.

marlena please wake up, please,

john begged as he gently kissed her hand.

"She'll be fine, It's just a little bit of chloroform" said Kristen.

"I can't believe you did this and you George, you were supposed to be loyal, john said.

"Hey, I go where the money is, George said to john.

john lunged at him but he was held back by the other man, Pete.

"I'll be back in a few minutes baby,

I know you'll miss me when I'm gone, Kristen whispered in what she thought was a seductive voice before walking away with the guards, leaving john alone with marlena and the baby.

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