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Y/N slowly opened his eyes and rose from his bed the alarm was ringing in his left ear as he slammed his fist on the clock accidentally smashing it into pieces.

Y/N: Oh.........bollocks.

Y/N felt something warm wrapped around his waist and flipped over the duvet to find Mephiles snuggled up with her head nuzzled in Y/N's chest fast asleep. To say Y/N was surprised was an understatement although he did admit she look cute in her peaceful state it be hard to believe that mere days ago she wanted to either kill him or "make him her pet" now she was as cuddly as a teddy bear.

Y/N: Heh that's just the most adorable I've ever seen........well second most adorable thing cream is most defiantly the cutest being on earth. Pssst hey mephiles wake up.

Mephiles: Mmmmm no the gamer needs her rest.

Y/N: (she's not budging if I want her to wake up I need to find a way to trick her........aha I've got it.) hey mephiles wake up half life three just came out.

In an instant mephiles sits up fully awake looking at Y/N with joy on her face.


Y/N: Nope I'm just kidding it's not out yet.

Mephiles face dropped and gave Y/N a cute pout.

Mephiles: You jerk you got my hopes up just to shoot them down.

Y/N: I'm sorry but you were sleeping on me and you wouldn't wake up so I had to improvise.

Mephiles: I was........(blush) Sleeping on you?

Y/N: Yeah you were snuggled up on my waist then again I don't remember going to bed how did we even end up here?

Mephiles: During our day out you fell asleep at the park so I carried you back and when I got to your room I felt tired as well (blush) So I slept with you I hope you didn't mind.

Y/N: Course I don't I sleep with the other girls all the time I'm quite the womanizer around here. Although I think the others shouldn't find out about you and me sleeping together neo-metal can get quite........defensive shall we say?

????: Oh really now Y/N?

The lights turn on and neo-Sonia Metal Sonia and Infinetta were at the end of the bed looking extremely pissed off a red aura surrounded Infinetta neo-Sonia had a visible red tick mark on her head while Metal Sonia had a smile on her face while she was holding a butcher knife in her left hand.

Metal Sonia: Hello master.

Y/N: Oh shit not good.

Mephiles: So these are your girlfriends I've heard about?

Y/N: Y-y-yeah girls i-i want you to meet Mephiles i-i hope you'll be kind and r-respectful to her.

Infinetta: Oh don't worry Y/N we will but before we make ourselves acquainted with our new friend here I think we need to talk.

Neo-Sonia: mephiles could you wait outside for a hot minute? We need to have a little heart-to-heart chat with Y/N here.

Mephiles: sure if you need me I'll be at the kitchen making breakfast see you later Y/N.

Mephiles walks out and Infinetta slams and locks the door. The three girls walk up to Y/N each emitting a dark aura.

Metal sonia: So master do you think you could sleep with another girl without us knowing?

Neo-sonia: Naughty naughty I don't think we can let this slide can we girls?

Infinetta: No we can't I think we need to punish him for being so disloyal.

The son of eggman (female sonic harem x son of eggman.Where stories live. Discover now