Is This It?

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Once I reached the corner of the street, I ran as I knew he was still behind me somewhere. Then I headed into an alleyway and pressed myself against the wall, tears pricking my eyes. I knew that it was too good to be true and that I had fell for his stupid tour girl trap and I felt defeated. I mean, of course I was happy that any of this had happened to me in the first place but some part of me believed that he really liked me. I took some deep breaths, opened my bag, reapplied some lipgloss, wiped away my tears and re stuck the corner of my eyelash that had came off.

I smiled at myself in my compact mirror, trying to convince myself that everything would be alright. I would get the train back to my house and try and forget that the situation ever happened, even though I knew that it would be impossible to forget it, especially with Sarah around who would ask me questions until my head popped. I walked out of the alleyway and decided to stop in a coffee shop before I left. I ordered a caramel iced latte and sat down, thinking about everything that had happened. That's when I heard the door burst open and he was there, stood staring at me.

He was out of breath as if he had been running and he looked genuinely distressed. "Y/N!" he shouted, so loud that everyone in the coffee shop turned around to face him. That's when people started to recognise him. "Tom!" They screamed, "Can i get your autograph?." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up from where I was sat and we ran out of the coffee shop as fast as possible. "Down here!" I shouted, and we ran down the same alleyway that I had been hiding in earlier.

We took some time to catch our breaths and that's when he started "I'm sorry, Y/N" he said to me and I crossed my arms, frustrated. "I thought you liked me" I replied. "I do. She was blackmailing me" he mumbled, staring down at his feet. "What do you mean?" I asked him, searching for his eyes that couldn't seem to look back in mine. "She's one of my secret exes and she's always threatening to make rumours about the relationship we had if I refuse to talk to her, so I have to play her stupid game for now" he said, hanging his head as if he were ashamed. "It's okay Tom, I'm sorry I overreacted" I said, smirking.

We both paused for a minute and he finally looked up at me and said "No you're not" and we started to laugh simultaneously. "It was so hot" he said, his eyes wondering as if he were replaying the event in his mind. I smiled, trying to hide my flattery and then I asked out of curiosity, "How did you find me?"
"I saw you run around the corner and then you just... disappeared? Then, I saw you come out of this exact same alleyway and head toward the coffee shop so I ran after you" he said, relaying the story. "Stalker" I smiled, squeezing his hand tightly as if I never wanted to let go, which I didn't.

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In Love With a Rockstar | Tom Kaulitz ☆Where stories live. Discover now