Hey Stranger

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"Girl, I have missed you so much" Bill said to me as we sat down on the couch together. He told me how the rest of the band had to stay behind in Germany to run some errands as him and Tom had come especially to see me. It ended up being a long, heartfelt conversation, a rollercoaster of emotions with multiple tears included as Bill proceeded to explain everything that had happened during the time I was being "ghosted".
"Tom was confused, he has never had anyone make him the feel the way you do and he just needed time to accept it. You changed him Y/N". He looked so genuine as he said it and I couldn't help but feel special. I, a fan girl who had been obsessed with Tokio Hotel for years had changed the one and only Tom Kaulitz, the player?

We finished our conversation which had escalated way into the early hours of the morning. I let Bill stay over in the guest room as a reasonable friend would do and I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing a few hours later. I groaned, tired as I had practically just fell asleep, tossing and turning thinking about Tom. That's when I saw his name flash across the screen. I picked up the phone instantly. If I had been half asleep as the phone rang I was certainly wide awake now. "Hey Y/N, I'm outside, let me in" he whispered and I heard a slight tap against my bedroom window which startled me. My life had become some kind of reality show.

I went and opened the front door, my eyes adjusting to the porch light. For someone who had just gotten out of police custody I had to admit... he looked amazing. His dreads fell down framing his perfect face, his arm muscles were slightly visible through the shirt he was wearing and the way he was looking me up and down with those seductive eyes made me want to fold all over again. "I thought you were gonna let me in through the window like in those romantic movies" he said laughing as I stood there with my arms crossed, frustrated. I may have looked as if I had no emotion to him but I certainly did not feel like it. My heart was racing so fast I feared it may have jumped out of my chest. I did not feel like laughing along with him after everything he had put me through over the past few months. Despite Bill's explanation, he still owed me a real apology for the way he had treated me.

I let him in and bought him into my bedroom, locking the door behind me as Bill was sound asleep down the hallway. He sat down on the bed, his hands clasped together whilst his eyes searched my face as though he were thinking about something. I paced up and down, glaring at him occasionally with rage in my eyes. He was lucky that I cared about Bill getting a good sleep or else I feared I would go insane. "Y/N?" he said, with a hint of worry in his voice as I paced, walking up and down erratically. I said nothing. I simply sat down in the chair in the corner of the room which was my cue for him to start talking. I promised myself that I was not going to fall for his mind games again.

We sat there in silence for a while until he said "I am so sorry for what I did to you." I cocked my head sideways as if to say "go on" and he nodded understandingly and walked over to where I was sat. I tried to cower in the corner, staring down at the floor but he placed his finger under my chin and tilted my head upwards, forcing me to look at him. "I love you Y/N".
"W-what?" I asked. I thought I may have been still asleep and dreaming.
"I love you" he repeated, staring straight into my eyes as he said it. I seriously considered pinching myself to make sure it was real. "I love you too, Tom" I said and I meant it. I had always loved him. He leaned into me and kissed me passionately, holding my face in his hands. I was overwhelmed and felt tears running down my face. I was an emotional wreck but I had to admit, it felt good to have him back.

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In Love With a Rockstar | Tom Kaulitz ☆Where stories live. Discover now