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I awoke the next afternoon, tired and disorientated. Tom lay beside me with his arms around my waist and I moved closer toward him. I wished I could stay like that forever. Although I felt peaceful, something felt wrong and it wouldn't stop nagging me as I closed my eyes and tried to fall back to sleep. SHIT, JASON. I jumped out of bed and threw on the first pair of clothes I could find. Tom groaned sleepily, "Come back to bed". I wanted to more than anything but I knew that I had to do the right thing, I had already caused enough damage. I walked over to the side of the bed and gave him a kiss and he tried to pull me in for more. "I'll be back soon, I promise" I said, giving him one final kiss and leaving the room.

Bill was sat on the living room couch watching himself perform. "Damn, my hair looks good there" he said, pointing at the screen and proceeding to fiddle with the spiked ends of his hair as though he were thinking about changing it back. "Bill, you are such a narcissist" I laughed and he stood up and put his hands on his waist, striking a model pose and pouting his lips. I couldn't help but laugh but I needed to stop getting distracted. I grabbed my coat and ran to the door. "Don't tell me you're going out in... that" Bill said, his eyes moving up and down my outfit unimpressed. I had been in such a rush that I hadn't realised I was wearing a pyjama top with a fluffy bunny on the front with striped pants and two odd shoes. "You know what, who cares?" I said, trying to act carefree although I was extremely embarrassed. I gave him a quick hug and then rushed out of the door, slamming it shut behind me.

I arrived at the hospital after a long walk. I noticed multiple eyes glaring, clearly judging my outfit but I had other things to worry about. I peeked around Jason's door into the room he was staying in and he looked as though he were asleep. I didn't want to disturb him so I was about to leave until I heard his voice echoing from inside the room. "Hello Y/N". Part of me had hoped he was actually asleep so that I wouldn't have to face him but I took a deep breath and walked in.

He had a black eye and a cast around his arm and he looked distraught. Tom had really messed him up and I felt terrible for it. I bought him a card on the way so I placed it next to him on the bedside table and sat down on the edge of the bed. His arm came out from under the covers and he placed his hand over mine. "It's alright, I know why you're here" he said to me. I didn't know what to say so I waited for him to continue speaking.
"Do you think I couldn't tell how in love you were with him during our entire relationship? I knew that it would happen but I was angry at myself for even having a glimpse of hope" he said, hanging his head and staring down at the sheets.

"How?" I asked him, I hadn't even realised how consumed I had been. "I'd try and look at your phone and you would turn it away, I knew you were waiting for him to call. Did you just use me?" he sounded distressed as he tried to get the words out.
I sighed because I couldn't deny it, I had always been in love with Tom. "No, I didn't use you Jason" I said, although as the words came out of my mouth it started to seem as though I did. "Where is he now?" he spluttered, rage filling his voice. "He's at my place". He was silent for a moment before he said "Well, I guess this is it." I nodded my head and he turned over onto his side as though he couldn't face me anymore. "Goodbye, Jason" I whispered, leaving the room. I hadn't even realised that I was crying until a woman walked by and handed me a tissue. I seriously needed a break.

 I seriously needed a break

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In Love With a Rockstar | Tom Kaulitz ☆Where stories live. Discover now