II. Tornado - Part 13 - Tracking

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A few days had passed since the incident involving Sam and Mara, and all his family and friends were surprised by the change in Sam's behavior. He had completely flipped and accepted his punishment without difficulty. He now worked alongside Mara and trained daily with Orion. Alpha Sloan had tried to object, but Orion had argued that he was not tough enough on his own children. Sam had supported Orion's request, and said that after seeing Orion fight the two rogues, he really wanted to learn Orion's fighting skills.

Sage was still upset about seeing Mara injured. He was relieved that his brother was there to protect her, even though none of this would have happened if Sam hadn't left the territory. And what an idea it had been for Mara to go alone. It was completely irresponsible and stupid! She should be punished for scaring him and getting hurt. Sage was not against the idea of spanking her, but just thinking about it made him feel guilty. How could he think about it when he knew what Mara had been through! Maybe she was right, he was like those other men...

The thought horrified him. He was far too dark for her. How could he impose his demons on her when she was so fragile? This idea was reinforced by the fact that he had seen Mara frightened after the attack she and his brother had endured. He would never forget how she trembled with fear in Orion's arms. She needed more than he could offer. If she saw his dark side she would run from him, he had no doubt. He knew it would be best to let her go but that seemed impossible now that she was back. He was completely lost between what he should do and what he would liked to do.

The repairs on Orion's car weren't too bad and Luna Vanessa had offered to pay for them, but Orion insisted that Sam pay for them. Until he found work, he was in debt to him.

The following Wednesday afternoon, Mara offered him to accompany her and Orion to meet Elijah. It was time he found a job after all. Beta Steeve wanted to go with them too. The four of them found themselves in the far north of the territory, and Beta Steeve and Sam were surprised that the meeting with Elijah took place in front of the old nightclub "The Burning Howl". It had closed over 4 years ago as the place was no longer safe. Someone had apparently bought the place and was in the process of fixing it up.

"Who bought this nightclub?" Beta Steeve asked, surprised that he hadn't been told by the former owner who was a member of the pack.

"It's a joint venture between me and Elijah." Mara explained.

"Are you planning to reopen the nightclub? Do you know that the place is not safe anymore. We're way too far from the center of the territory."

"That nightclub was a hit because it is out of the way and was open to all supernatural beings. Hundreds of mates met here. Besides, as Sam told me, he didn't have any youth. At least here the youth of the pack have a place to have fun while staying in our territory." Mara replied.

"Didn't you get it when I said the place is unsafe?" Beta Steeve insisted.

"That's where I come in." Elijah replied, joining them.

"Elijah!" Orion greeted him with a bro hug.

"Elijah, this is Beta Steeve. You remember Sam. Beta Steeve, this is Elijah but I imagine you know very well who he is." Mara was introducing them.

Of course he knew who Elijah was! Who didn't. He hadn't imagined that this was the Elijah they were going to meet. Sam looked at Elijah curiously and by the look on the old Beta's face he knew it was someone important. Who? He had no idea...

"Beta Steeve, nice to meet you. You're looking better kid." Elijah greeted them.

"It would be suicide to hit one of Elijah's nightclubs." Mara explained.

Why? Sam wondered. He sniffed the air, he was a were-cat, a panther. Suddenly this fact triggered his memories. Werecats don't live in packs, but they do have a representative, a sort of king/queen, on each continent and here that king was called Elijah.

"We should be able to open within 10 days, Friday of next week would be ideal."

"When you confirm that, that we start the promotion?" Orion asked.

"Tomorrow or in teo days. We do need an extra bartender though." Elijah replied.

"We've got him right here." Mara announced before tilting her head towards Sam.

"Who?! Me?!" The interested one asked surprised.

"This will be a chance for you to have fun while working." Mara confirmed.

"You're young, athletic and handsome. Your smile will attract girls like flowers attracts bees. I love it! When can he start?" Elijah commented, examining Sam up and down.

"I need to be trained but I'm a quick learner." Sam replied.

"Okay, I'll send Sonia over this weekend to teach you the ropes. Imagine all the little babes you'll be able to shake!" Elijah replied.

"I'm waiting for my mate." Sam blushed.

"Your loss!" Elijah remarked.

"Perfect! We'll talk tomorrow then." Mara added.

"It's a pleasure doing business with you! See you next week." Elijah said.

On the way home, neither of them spoke. Sam was surprised at the meeting and excited about his first job, Beta Steeve was lost in thought. Mara was focused on her driving while Orion was enjoying the scenery, thinking about his dinner this evening with his parents and brother. Suddenly the atmosphere in the car darkened.

"Did you feel it, too?" Orion asked Mara.

She nodded, "Yes, go ahead and take Beta Steeve with you. I'll join you."

"Okay, but Sam stays with you." Orion bargained.

Mara stopped and Orion jumped out of the vehicle, followed by Beta Steev, not really understanding what was going on but knowing something bad was happening.

"What's going on?" Sam asked in surprise.

"An intrusion into the territory. A few miles away, from here. Let's go." Mara replied.

"How do you know that? There's no alert through the pack link yet." Sam asked.

"Julian, the wizard who came a few weeks ago, cast a spell that allows Orion and I to sense any intruder who crosses the border with bad intentions." Mara explained, tapping her phone at the same time.

"I will transform and you will ride on my back. We'll go faster that way." Sam offered.

When they arrived at the scene, Sam immediately recognized Bella, Sophia's best friend. Her clothes were torn and her face was twisted with pain. On the ground among five dead rogues lay her little brother Adam, 13 years old. Mara jumped up and went to examine the boy.

"It's no good, Mara. We won't have time to get him to the hospital." Orion pointed to her.

She pulled out her phone and walked away to call someone, and then someone else. Beta Steeve had already alerted the pack, but given the extent of the injuries he knew help wouldn't be there in time.

Mara shook her head at Orion, who swore. Suddenly Julian appeared beside Mara.

"Can you stop the bleeding while you get him to Matthew?" Mara asked him. Julian confirmed and began to recite a spell.

Mara grabbed Bella's hands so she could focus on her, "I know a healer but he refuses to come here. So my friend Julian will bring your brother to him."

"I want to go with him. Please!" Bella begged.

Julian agreed and the three of them disappeared.

"They were there for her. Her little brother just wanted to protect her." Orion explained.

"They did this to him when he can't shift yet, what a bunch of bastards!" Sam snarled.

"In that case, no one can know what happened here. Until we know who wants her and why. Everything that happened here needs to stay here. Her protection above all." Mara declared.

"We need to tell Alpha Sloan and Luna Vanessa at least." Beta Steeve protested.

"No. Bella is Sophia's best friend. They won't be able to keep the information to themselves by seeing her sad. They can't know." Sam refused.

Beta Steeve sighed in defeat and reluctantly agreed. Sam was right, knowing his best friend he would spill the beans to stop the tears in his little princess' eyes.

"Use the rogues' bodies as a warning: Anyone who comes here with bad intentions signs their death sentence." Mara ordered to Orion through the mindlink.

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