III. One Step Closer - Part 16 - Portal

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The meeting with Alpha Sloan, Luna Vanessa, Beta Steeve, Beta Aaron and Gamma Liam went well. Orion and Sam and Mara's friends were also present. As usual, Mara had remained evasive about her plans, asking them to trust her. And because her friends and Sage trusted her, Alpha Sloan, Luna Vanessa, Betas Steeve and Aaron, Gamma Liam and Sam had to be content with the knowledge that Mara had planned everything, including another safe place for members who couldn't fight.

The day of the attack had come. Sage's speech the day before was magnificent and had motivated the pack. Sage had left the door open for pack members who wanted to leave the territory before the fighting began. Alpha Sloan and Luna Vanessa were moved by the speech and very proud of their son. He was coming from far. Mara had not spoken but stood by Sage the whole time. The pack was ordered to meet on the main beach of the territory at 7:00 sharp to evacuate those who were not fit to fight.

At the end of the meeting, Jade, Kai and Austin were isolated as Mara and Sage wanted to talk to them. All three were surprised to discover that they had been unmasked. But their Alphas couple had been very understanding and had given them the choice to stay by their side for the fight or to go and warn Alpha Mason in which case they would be released from their obligations to the pack. In other words they would become rogues. They all preferred to stay without a second thought. Mara promised to do everything possible to ensure the safety of their loved ones. A rescue mission was already planned, it was the mission of Julian, Jude and Peyton.

The next day the whole pack was at the beach at the agreed time. The faces were tense and closed but in front of the serenity of the high ranking wolves, the rest of the pack was confident despite the statistics that were against them. Indeed, Sage had not hidden the fact that the black paw murderer had allies ready to attack with her. In fact, they were surrounded as the Blue Moon and Black Night packs were the other packs next to them. Not to mention the vampire coven, the descendants of evil. And yet, not a single member had left. They were all ready to fight and protect their land and the pack they cherished so much. Sage and her parents were very moved to see the pack members put their trust in them.

Mara spoke up and explained that the members who could not fight or did not want to fight would be protected by their female Beta Dakini and her family. As she explained, the pack watched in disbelief as the ocean receded and a pass was formed. A man emerged from the water and came to greet Mara.

"This is Mars, one of the seven kings of the marine kingdom. He is Beta Dakini's uncle and also a friend. You can follow them without risk. You will be safe in his kingdom." Mara explained.

Mars exchanged a few words with the Alphas and Betas, telling Aaron that once the battle was over he wanted to talk to him about his mating with his niece. This annoyed Dakini, who did not hesitate to point it out to him. She kissed Aaron languidly and asked him to stay safe. Dakini invited the members to follow her before returning to her original killer whale form. Aaron watched her with a look of love and pride.

Once she had disappeared, Aaron turned to Sam and said, "See, I'm the coolest mate ever!

"Pff! You're dreaming, man! Hayley is a shapeshifter, she can change into any animal she wants! That's a thousand times cooler!" Sam retorted.

Julian walked over to Mara and Sage, "Luna, Alpha. Everything's ready."

"Good, let's go." Mara replied, starting to walk towards the forest, Julian following suit.

Sage and the remaining pack members followed her to a large clearing that was almost in the middle of the territory.

She spoke again: "Members of the Black Moon Pack. Thank you for your trust and support in this difficult time. We have always been a powerful and caring pack. We have always been a sanctuary for all who seek one. We may be against all forms of violence, but it is time to remind our neighbours that we know how to defend ourselves, that no one can spoil it. It is time to remind the world who we are. Yes we have a moment of weakness but it is not the end of us! No, this is our rebirth!"

Sage knelt before Mara, "I, Alpha Sage on behalf of the Black Moon Pack, pledge my loyalty to you. I rely on you to guide me and will be there to help your allies in time of need. You are literally my queen."

Mara wasn't the only one surprised by Sage's gesture.

"For the pack!" Sage shouted, raising his fist and looking at his pack with pride.

The pack members howled their agreement with Mara's words.

"Let's go kill those bastards!" Mara whispered to Sage and their friends. A sinister smile on her face and excitement in her eyes.

"Lincoln, it's funny to see you here." Mara said sarcastically.

"Mara, Sophia didn't want me to take her away from the fight and even insists on participating. So she leaves me no choice... At least I'll have the pleasure of watching those jerks from the descendants of evil scurry away when they figure out it's you they've been plotting against." Lincoln muttered.

"You know that in total, the three packs together is over 500 fighters while we are 150 max. I hope your friends are more than a bunch of rogues or mercenaries." Sam commented.

"You've done your research on packs, that's good. Which one do you want to lead, do you know?" Mara asked him.

"Yes, I want to take the blue moon pack." Sam replied.

"Hmm, the only other pack in the area with beaches... Good choice." Mara commented.

"You didn't answer me." Sam commented.

"Are you doubting me? Your confidence warms my heart..." She asked him with a sly smile on her lips.

"No but..." Sam whispered not comfortable by her look.

"Open the portals, Julian." Mara ordered.

Sam and the rest of the pack watched as seven portals opened before them and warriors emerged from each of the portals. Okay, clearly kicking the crap out of Alpha Mason and his allies. They all knelt before Mara when they saw her.

"That's enough! Stand up. Thank you for answering my call. Alpha Sage, this is Alpha Jason, Alpha Roman, Alpha Simon, Alpha Brandon, Alpha Peter, Alpha David and Alpha Nico. Alphas this is my mate, Alpha Sage." Mara introduced the 7 Alphas present by pointing to them one by one.

Before Sage could respond and thank them. A man of the same age as them walked up to Mara and hugged her: "Hello lil' sister."

So this was Adam, Mara's half-brother on her biological father's side. Mara had told Sage about him on one of their dates.

"And that's my half-brother Beta Adam. We have the same father" Mara grumbled against Adam's chest.

"Hello lil' sister!" Matthew said opening his arms for Mara.

"Matt! You came. I didn't think you would." Mara said, jumping into his arms.

"I know I swore I'd never come back but I couldn't leave you here alone." Matthew replied.

"You know I can take care of myself and I'm not all alone either?" Mara commented.


"We gonna kick some ass or what?" Alpha Simon says.

The fight was over very quickly and Alpha Mason's death was quick even though many wished he had suffered more. Sam had taken care of Alpla Louis himself to claim the Blue Moon Pack as his own. About the black paw pack, Mara had offered the position of Alpha to Beta Jayden. He had made it clear that he disagreed with the actions of his Alpha. Mara and Sage had contacted him in the morning to ask him to stay out of the fight. As for the Black Moon Pack, they will need to find a new Alpha but this could wait tomorrow. The vampires of the descendants of evil had scurried away as soon as they saw Mara. Sophia had not been able to participate in the fight, Licoln had stood between her and any threat, which had annoyed her.

It was all over and finally peace would return to their land. Now it was time for a party and what a party with so many people! During dinner, the whole pack heard about the adventures of Mara and Orion and how Mara had been able to build an alliance between the 7 packs, well 9 with their pack and the one Sam was going to take over. Everyone was impressed by the stories of the different packs. They had one hell of a Luna!

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