03- Not Violet But White

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UPON announcing their arrival Jess went inside the twin's bedroom

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UPON announcing their arrival Jess went inside the twin's bedroom. Leaving Lorelai, Sookie, Jackson, and Freddy who were teasing Luke about his almost bald spot inside the kitchen. 

"Hi, I am Rory." Rory introduced watching the boy with interest. "I figured" Jess muttered his eyes roaming around the room lending onto the bookshelf which intrigued him. " Wow, aren't we hooked on phonics?" he remarked watching the shelf with great interest. 

"I read a lot. Do you?" Rory asked watching as he picked the copy of Outsiders which Freddy had annotated for her. "Not much," Jess muttered reading the annotations with a smile. He had a feeling that he was going to like Rory too much. 

"I can lend you that if you want. It's great I finished reading it yesterday." Rory informed him watching as the boy smiled at her. 

Freddy watched Rory and Jess have a pleasant conversation, Jess smiling at Rory. Freddy's shoulders slumped as the thoughts which she had managed to get out of her brain came back to her. 

'Always Rory never you Freddy what are you even trying for?' the little voice in the back of her head said. In anger and to shut them out Freddy hit the side of her head hoping that the voice would vanish. 

The adults watched Freddy in confusion but only Luke knew what was happening he had noticed many times and Freddy had told him about it. "Hey Freddy you okay?" Lorelai asked her daughter. 

Freddy broke out from her trance and laughed nervously "Oh um yea sorry it's just the mosquito was bugging me." The adults ate her lie except for Luke who give her a pointed look and said 'We will have a talk after this.' 

Freddy mouthed him an 'I am okay' but Luke Danes wasn't the one to buy it so easily. When Jess and Rory entered the kitchen Freddy averted her gaze to her shoes. 

"Hey, Mom I am just going out to get some fresh air," Freddy said and left the house before anyone could object. Freddy somehow always knew when others picked Rory over her. By this time she should have gotten used to it. 

Freddy had gotten used to it until last year when the voices started in the back of her head. They always came when Freddy could sense Rory being picked over her and Freddy hated it. She hated to come next after her sister. 

So Freddy would always take a walk and sing loudly to shut the voices out. She only ever had talked about this to Luke who had caught the brunette crying and shutting her ears off in the storage room. 

After the voices seem to fade away Freddy walked back to her house. She paused in her tracks when she saw Jess with a bottle of beer. "My mom wouldn't be happy if she saw you with the beer she would have your head," Freddy muttered standing beside Jess. 

"You have a nice voice," Jess remarked ignoring her comment smirking when her eyes grew wide. "Nice band tough didn't take you as someone who would listen to AC/DC," Jess smirked at her facial expression. 

Freddy had paled her face morphing into fear and embarrassment. "I-I-um-I uh, I um Just go inside." Freddy shuttered and moved inside the house slamming the door of the bathroom shut. 

Jess stared at the space where the girl previously was, he rolled his eyes and went to open the beer bottle when he was stooped by the original Gilmore. He cursed no one was actually going to give him some peace to have a beer?

Inside the bathroom, Freddy paced mumbling 'you will be okay' to herself. She stopped pacing and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were puffy and her hair was messed up, she let out an irritated groan ignoring the loud voices outside. 

She cleaned her face having a small pep talk with herself she got out of the bathroom for the first time to see Luke and Lorelai have a full-on yell match. Her eyes widen as she looked at her twin sister who only looked back at her concerned. 

"What are you doing talking to him about stuff like that?" Luke asked trying to suppress his anger. "I'm trying to help you." Luke scoffed at her statement crossing his arms. "I don't need your help." Lorelai dismissed him. 

"Oh, here we go again with this 'I'm not prepared for this' crap," Luke muttered glaring at the woman in front of him. "This is not crap, this is the truth. Luke, you should've heard him talking." Loalia exclaimed. 

"I don't need to hear him talking, he's my nephew and I know what I'm doing. And I'm getting a little tired of your condescending."

"I am not being condescending." Freddy scoffed at her mother's words.

" Oh, you have kids, so you know everything, right?" 

"I have kids, so yeah, I know a little more than you do." 

"No, I don't think so you know anything about your kid." Luke blurted Freddy watched with wide eyes as the two adults fought. "You only know about you one kid Lorelai, one kid. And that's Rory what about Freddy here." he pointed at the girl who shrank at the attention. 

"You know nothing about her." He stated seething in rage as he blurted out his frustration. "Do you even know what her favorite color is? Or what she wants to do after school? Or how much left out she feels?" Lorelai was quiet. 

"Do you know how she feels when you know and I know and hell everyone else in the town knows that it's all about Rory! Rory this and Rory that. Never Freddy, she feels sidelined in her own life." Luke exclaimed. 

"She knows and I know that you will favor Rory over her any day. And isn't that what you did when you went on your little Harvard trip with Rory leaving Freddy behind? Huh?" Luke seethed. 

"You cannot call yourself a mother Lorelai when you know nothing about your daughter." Freddy chewed on her thumb anxiously blinking her tears away. She was happy that Luke said what he did but all she wanted to do right now was hide under the covers.

"Get out," Lorelai said, those were the only words that came out of her mouth and Freddy wasn't surprised. "Don't need to tell me twice," Luke muttered going away from the crap shack. 

"And on that note her favorite color is white because it includes every color and not Violet! For the last time not violet but white!" Luke yelled and slammed the door shut. 

Freddy's eyes widen she remembered last year for her sixteen birthday Lorelai had gifted her a violet-themed gift because it was her favorite color but Freddy had no heart to tell her that it wasn't her favorite color. 

Freddy didn't look at her mother and her sister. "I am going to go and find Luke," she muttered running away out of the house ignoring the calls of her sister and mother. 

"Luke wait!" and Luke did stop in his tracks along with Jess. And Freddy was grateful that he did. 

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