12- Bad Day

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Freddy anxiously walked back and forth looking at her feet. She didn't know how to confront him and she had no idea how she would.

The diner was empty it was the early morning too early for anyone except the two to be awake.

"Okay that's it stop pacing Freddy you are giving me headache. Now tell me what's wrong." Came the voice of an grumpy Lucas Danes as he stopped rubbing the same spot on the table.

Freddy sighed and walked to the table sitting on the stool looking at the older man dead in the eyes. "I don't have an escort and I don't know what to do." She rambled.

Luke stopped in his tracks his eyes widening as he understood what she was talking about. "Escort? You don't have an escort?" Freddy sighed deeply.

"No Lucas I don't have an escort and I don't know what to do about it I mean the only male gender I have ever talked to is you, dad, David, Daniel, my grandpa, Dean, Kirk and Jess. I don't know what to do." She stressed rubbing her temples.

"Woah woah don't stress about it I am sure we can do something about it" Luke reassured her. "Why don't you ask Daniel?" He said. Freddy shook her head violently.

"No way that's my best friends ex I am not going to take him." Freddy said furrowing her eyebrows. Ray and Daniel had date for three weeks before they come to a conclusion on being friends only.

"Then uh what about Jess." Freddy swear her heart had stopped for that moment. She let out a lord exhale chuckling bitterly. "No I don't want to take Jess Lucas." She spoke her eyes clouding with her sister and Jess being together bought her excess amount of pain and anger.

"Take me where." Came a groggy and sleepy voice of Jess as he walked inside the dinner in his pyjamas still half asleep. And god did his morning voice sounded hot.

"Freddy doesn't have an escort for the society thing." Luke said only to be hit in shin by the girl who was glaring at him. He winced mumbling about teenagers as he walked inside the kitchen.

"You don't have an escort?" Jess quizzed Freddy mumbled an embarrassed no as she picked her nails. He didn't say anything for minutes. Freddy's gaze was still on her nails as she nervously picked on them.

Jess took a sip of his coffee wondering few solutions as he looked at his only friend he had managed to make in this shitty town. And to him Freddy was the only good thing which happened to him in this small town.

He shrugged his shoulders before taking another sip of his coffee. "If you don't mind then I will do it." Freddy choked on her saliva after having a coughing fit she looked at him horrified.

"What?" She couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. "I mean hey I am your friend and friends help each other right? I will not go if you don't want to." Jess replied.

"No no I want you to go." Freddy said quickly blush citing her cheeks which didn't go unnoticed by Jess. "Okay then I will be your escort kind Madame." Jess joked bowing a bit.

"Jess you do know that you would have to wear a tux and gloves and learn to do ball room dance." Jess spit his coffee out making Freddy drenched in his coffee and spit.

Freddy sat there gasping "What?" Jess shouted and at the same time Freddy yelled a string of curses out loud. "JESS WHATEVER YOUR MIDDLE NAME IS MARIANO YOU BETTER RUN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE A VICTIM OF HOMICIDE!" Freddy shrikes getting up from her stool.

"You better sprint kid." Came the voice of Like as he watched the exchange with a big grin. And before you could blink Jess was running upstairs with Freddy hot behind his heels.

"Zounds You rouge You rascal." Fredy shouted her absolute favourite Shakespeare insult as she ran after her friend.

FREDDY walked lazily kicking the stones which came in her way. Her shift at Luke had ended Ray was on a date with David and Jess was being Jess. So she was lonely not knowing what to do.

She stopped in her tracks as she recognised familiar voices and a familiar figure at her houses garden.

"Hey Freddy." Came the voice of Christopher, a father who failed his duty as one. Freddy and Christopher had ended at bad terms last time he visited them.

He had tried to call her multiple times but she refused to talk to him. The only argument which had taken place between the two was about Rory.

Freddy had watched as he had spent most of his days spending time with Rory going to the games and bookstores with her. But he didn't ask about her and that hurt Freddy.

He didn't spent time with her. He didn't wanted to. His exact words "God stop being so much of yourself I need to be with Rory she needs me." And Freddy had never felt more broken. She needed him too but he wasn't there and so she coped with what was given to her.

Freddy walked towards them angrily glaring at the man she called father. She didn't responded to his acknowledgement. "Hi dean." She fretted the taller boy she had grown a liking towards.

"I will be in my room." Freddy said cruelty and walked towards the house. "Freddy wait I have something for you." Freddy stopped in her tracks and glared at the man.

He handed her a small wrapped present. She didn't take it. "If you think presents are going to make up for what you said and did. Go to hell." And she ran to her room slamming the door shut.

"You messed up bad Chris." Lorelai said she didn't know what had happened between the two nor did Rory. Christopher and Freddy had sealed their lips.

"I know Lor." He sighed picking up the present she had thrown and diverting his attention to Rory.

Freddy had gone in a fit of rage. She punched her wall in rage making a hole. She cried the pain which the pain caused and the pain her father caused.

She cried for everything which had wrong.

And she kept in crying.

This time she didn't know how to stop.

And she cried until the world around her started to spin and her vision turned black.

The lamp on her nightstand broke. Lorelai came running inside the room in panic as she saw her daughter on the bedroom floor lay unconscious.

𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄↦ J. MarianoWhere stories live. Discover now