09- Never Her

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"He annotated it?" Freddy whispered to herself surprising taking over her mind

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"He annotated it?" Freddy whispered to herself surprising taking over her mind. A small laugh escape her lips as she shook her head.

"You are something else Jess Mariano." She muttered keeping the book in her bag and going back to work with a happy smile. She didn't knew when Jess had taken her book and annotated it but she was happy.

Happy for the small act he did.

For the rest of the day Jess avoided Freddy like a plague going out whenever he saw her. Freddy was amused by his behaviour and decided to confront him.

After her shift at Luke's was over she took her bag and went backside of the building where she knew Jess was smoking.

She stood there watching him with disappointed eyes her arms folded. "I thought I told you that it was bad for health." She said after moments of analysing him.

Jess jumped in surprises getting up to move away from her. Freddy didn't knew where the courage came from but she blocked his way. "Hey I am talking to you." She said.

"You basically vandalised my book and you stole it." She said a grin forming on her face. Jess sighed rubbing his face, "No I didn't steal it I borrowed it big difference." Freddy giggled at his remark.

"Okay, that's not called a trick, that's called a felony." She said shooting him a disappointed look. " I just wanted to put some notes in the margins for you." Jess said shrugging his shouldered and avoiding eye contact.

That's when it clicked and it all made sense.
Freddy didn't had her book with her, her book was with Rory. Jess wanted to annotate it for Rory and not her.

Freddy pursed her lips nodding her head as she slowly connected the dots. Always Rory it will never be you. The small voice in her head taunted her.

A bitter laughed escaped her lips as she looked down kicking the rock near her feet and then looking up at Jess who looked at her with curiosity. "You wanted to do it for Rory. But you didn't knew it was my book." She chuckled.

Jess opened his mouth to say something but Freddy cut him off, "You wanted to impress her." She continued to say "You like my sister." She finally declared taking a deep breath.

"No that's ridiculous." Jess scoffed but his actions spoke it all that he was lying. Freddy laughed at his antics "Don't try to fool me Jess, I have been studying human behaviour for past three years." Freddy scowled.

"You can not fool me." She hissed, the realisation hit her hard as she liked Jess. She liked him a lot. But of course it was her twin they would always look at.

"It's okay you didn't have to lie about it." She said moving her eyes to the ground and rubbing her arms. "I hate liars." And with that she left him walking her way home fighting the urge to cry and scream out loud.

"Never her. Always the second choice." She whispered to herself rubbing her arms in comfort. She directly went to her shared room and shut it closed groaning into the pillow.

It had been days since Freddy confronted Jess. She didn't cared about it she accepted the fact that she will always to second to her sister.

But she hated every second as the day passed.
Her and Jess had made up and would occasionally have a friendly banter while working at Luke's criticising their work and passing snarky comments.

The two would spend time together after school sitting by the lake and reading peacefully. She had noticed his absence but she didn't said anything.

It was safe to say that the two were getting close. And with each day Freddy's feelings towards him grew. She knew she likes Jess but she was now hundred percent sure that the like was turning into a crush.

But she didn't wanted to ruin things with Jess plus he liked Rory and it was ridiculously obvious to everyone but Rory.

So Freddy kept her distance being the friend to Jess when he needed a shoulder to lean on.

Currently Freddy was walking around the town her mind racing with different thoughts as she tried to find good words that would rhyme with the song she was working on.

Her eyes fell on Jess who was working at Luke's. She admired him as he took orders and cleaned the tables. Upon feeling someone's gaze on him Jess looked up and found Freddy staring at him.

He smirked mouthing 'staring now are we' Fredy scoffed sticking out her tongue. 'In your dreams Mariano.' She mouthed back only to get a middle finger from Jess.

She gasped loudly putting a hand on her chest. "Meanie." She pouted moving away when Jess started to laugh. With a smile on her face she walked to the lake where she found peace.

The only thought running through her mind was 'he really looks good in black.'

Freddy felt hopeless.

𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄↦ J. MarianoWhere stories live. Discover now