-Rose Thorns-

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A/n-hello so for detail on where everyone is on the map, I just thought I'd pin point their locations for you guys, in case there was any confusion

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A/n-hello so for detail on where everyone is on the map, I just thought I'd pin point their locations for you guys, in case there was any confusion. Bye!

The wind was cold, he had grown used to the warm air that had normally came from Mezalea, it had been a while since he'd seen the wild colours of the mesa city and its palace. Fwhip by far had the one of the longest journeys out of the trio, he did the majority of his trip riding Violet, Gem's dragon. He wasn't keen on flying after not doing it for so long, and his elytra had broken in the explosion. There was no point getting a new one. The dragon had flown him as far as House Blossom before landing near by the fallen kingdom of the Overgrown. He looked down to the empires when flying over, he couldn't spot the Undergrove, Jimmy had said it was burnt down by a fire. The Grimlands was still a giant crater, nothing more now, yet Crystal Cliffs and it's Acadamy was still their standing tall. It seemed most of the damage had been cleared up, Violet seemed to remember this place after all Gem had raised her here before even when she was an egg. Fwhip rubbed her back, he felt her pain too. Rivendell was practically abandoned, a few people in the remaining villages outside ; the city itself was like a ghost town. The spirits of the elfs that lives here wouldn't of made it, Jim mentioned that the demon escaped one last time, destroying Rivendell before Scott could do anything. How the Elf King died Fwhip didn't know, all he knew was him and Xornoth died. A shiver ran down his back, Xornoth had brought so much pain in his and others life so he was glad he was dead, for good this time.

He climbed of the dragon, jumping down onto the mud beneath him. "Thank you, safe journey girl." The man smiled. Fwhip headed off through a birch forest, if he remembered right he should be heading straight to the border of the two kingdoms. He hadn't walked long when he saw a large hill in the distance, it wasn't natural with the ground, as if it had fallen from the sky. It had. A grey castle sat crumbled above it and it's once pink and blue roofs lost its colour. It made him sigh, if it wasn't for his reactor this wouldn't of happened.

A yellow flag, almost torn completely flew quietly a few metres away, he kneeled next to it to examine the cloth, "Hmm". A Gilded Helianthan flag, the duck symbol had been ripped off, but it wasn't to be mistaken for another Empires. He was right, the red head found a fallen beanstalk slowly fertilising with the ground beneath it. It was huge and went in for at least a mile or two. The buildings were empty and almost completely covered by ash and debris. This place has been filled with every possible plant you could grown, but Pearl would normally keep the flowers to her neighbour. Fwhip could almost picture her, long golden and green dress, sunflowers in her hair. He remembered her being tall, rather strong as well. She was a great warrior, friend too.

The sun had began to set, giving a slight orange tint to the sky, he needed to hurry as camping here wasn't going to be an option. An hour or so later he saw the glowing lights of a nearby village, he put a hand through is scruffy hair and jogged over, he was so close. "Just a few more steps!" He thought, as he entered the village he got many stares, they clearly don't get many visitors. "Hello! Excuse me... sorry but do you know a lady with long hair, fairy wings?" Fwhip had found a young farmer feeding some horses.
"Who's askin'?"
"Me, now tell me where she is." He wasn't aiming to be stern, but he was desperate. The farmer didn't look as if she wanted to cause any trouble, but could see the impatience on his face.
"You lookin' for Kathrine? She'll be there." The lady pointed to a pretty wooden structure with Sunflowers growing outside. He paced up to her door, but hesitated. He felt nervous but didn't know why. "C'mon Fwhip you can do this." He said under his breath. *Knock Knock*

Someone opened the door, a woman stood their staring right at him. She stood, her jaw wide open in front of him. He was sure she pinched herself, " I...Wha? Fwhip?!"
"Hiya Kath"
She ran into him, squeezing him tightly into a hug. Fwhip stood their unsure, but then hugged her back. She let go and looked up at him, her face hadn't changed much, still the same smiley florist she was. She rushed him into her house, it was nice and warm with a fire place, a bed in the corner and obviously lots of flowers. She brought over a two mugs of coca and a biscuit then sat opposite him on a small bench. " I can't believe it! Like you're alive and here. I have so many questions! Like how did you find me a-and what happened when you and Gem left the meeting. Is she okay?" She beamed.
FWhip explained how he and Gem escaped and told her about how Jimmy had found them and their plan to make this world a past life. "Jimmy had said that he heard you were last seen in a village near by Pearls Smallholding."
"So they are on their way to get Joel and Pixl then?"
She stood up and grabbed a backpack from a cupboard, and began putting some tools inside.
"Well what are we waiting for, we'll leave at dawn for Mythland, I'll go ask a friend if we can borrow some horses, it'll be quicker."
Before Fwhip could answer she was out the door, leaving him alone with about six of her cats. He fiddled with his pocket and pulled out a glowing red crystal from his pocket, he had taken it from his shed when no one was looking, know one knew he had it, and he felt maybe it should stay that way. It made him think of Sausage, like he was there. The door opened quickly making him jump and hiding the crystal without her noticing.
"Right I've got two horses ready for us tomorrow, how about another cup of hot chocolate?"

Word count = 1096

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