-The Rapture-

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(I Renamed the chapter! Originally called New Chapters)

In a long lost age, before record truly began, our world was built by titans.

Beings of impossible size whose bodies fell to earth and became the biomes we know. Their bones became the rocks shaped into vast caverns by the arches of their ribs.

Their blood ran down into the darkest depths of the world, imbuing it with untold riches, magic and danger.

And from their fallen forms, civilisation flourished. What little we can piece together of the past tells a story of its own. The titans were forgotten as their successors began to shape the land to their own desires, great cities were founded rose ward with one another and fell.
Alas history is told by the victors and one of them emerged victorious, just like the titans before them, they vanished.

Soon enough new nations would rise to take their place and perhaps it is our destiny to one day vanish. But until then there are still secrets of the past yet to be uncovered, and it is here that our tale truly begins.

Around a campfire as these stories often start, and while many of these stalwart leaders are looking towards the future, one man has set his eyes firmly on the past.

-Dr Pixl J Riffs. Archaeologist and King of the Ancient Capital.

He opened his eyes a bright light shining down through the window next to his bed. The ginger squinted his eyes from the light of the lamp post outside his castle. He walked over slowly to the mirror in front, his scruffy ginger her falling on his face and scratched long green ears. "Your highness? Are you awake?" Someone asked opening the door slightly. His maid walked in to say he had visitors downstairs as he placed large gold earrings on his ears. After she left he put his usual clothes and navy jacket on before climbing down the stairs.

He opened the door to his common room were a brunette stood talking loudly with a man in a sheriff hat and badge laughing at whatever the other man's just said. "Fwhip their you are my small friend!" One of them smiled cheek to cheek, then scoped up the goblin and gave him a big hug and small kiss on his forehead. Fwhip blushed with embarrassment. The two men laughed and the blonde finally said, "C'mon Sausage put him down. He's probably had enough Sanctuary welcomes."
"Oh fine Jimmy. We love to kiss as a welcome in Sanctuary."
"Oh we know that!" He huffed
"So sheriff and Sausage what can I do for you today?"
"We wondered if you wanted to come back to the Capital with us. Pix wrote a book about before the great rapture and wants to share it. Wanna come?" Sausage asked
"Ye why not."

The end.

I'm so glad this book got red as I've really enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much for reading and voting.
Make sure to please vote/like and follow me even so you know when new books come out!
For the meantime.
Farewell 👋


Word count = 524

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