𝐨𝐧𝐞 - 𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫

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I was walking into school with my drink from Starbucks, constantly running my fingers through my hair. Today was picture day.

It had to be perfect! Our pictures were going into the yearbook, and if I looked bad, i'd actually beg the school to remove it.

I headed up the stairs to get to my locker to store my bag inside. As I headed towards my locker, I saw Niki.

Oh Niki. The popular boy. I mean, honestly every girl had their eyes on him, he stood near my locker with 3 different girls surrounding him.

I had such a big crush on him since the first day of school. But he had so many girls all over him. So I knew.. I had no chance.

But I knew I was pretty and I didn't need a boy to make me feel that way. Even though I would love if we could.. maybe even hangout? But.. I'd be fine without him. Right?

I started to put in my combination for my locker, as Niki and his fan girls stood five lockers away from me. He looked really good for picture day, they were all just acknowledging it.

I opened my locker and stored my things inside. Once I was done I kept my drink and pulled out my phone to text my bestie. Star.

I started to walk down the hall, eyes glued to my phone. Not paying attention and-

"Shit shit! I'm so sorry!" I gasped as my drink spilt all over Nikis outfit. I sighed and backed away slowly, "I'll pay for it! I'll.. go get paper towels from the bathroom!" I panicked.

"What the hell?" he says, the three girls and everyone in the hallway stopped and stared. "See.. maybe if you payed attention, this wouldn't have happened. You'll regret this." His whispers to me and walked away.

I stood there in disbelief. Everyone started to whisper and giggle at me, I threw the empty cup in the nearest garbage can and slowly walked to class with my head down.

So. Embarrassing.


I sat at my table in lunch with my phone propped  up against my water bottle as Star talked to me about Jake. Her boyfriend.

I stared at myself, touching up my makeup and brushing out my hair. We took the pictures right after lunch.

"And so.. are you even listening?" Star asks, I snap out of my phone and looked up at her, "Yeah! Yeah of course." I spat out, "Okay? Then what did I say?" She asks, resting her head in her palms.

"Uhm. You said.." I tried to think. "Exactly. You look beautiful Kay. I mean look at you! Your picture with turn out great." She says and takes my phone.

"Did you apologize to Niki yet?" she asks "Yes! I don't think he cared." I sighed and put my head down. "It's okay! Maybe he got a different pair of clothes to wear?" She tried to change the subject.

I looked over, I saw Niki walk in with two of his friends. Jake, and Sunghoon. Star stopped and stared at Jake, Jake looked over and winked at her.

I just stared at Niki. He had on a different shirt, but he looked pissed. He looked over at me, he rolled his eyes and got his lunch.

"Gosh. He just rolled his eyes." I scoffed. "He'll get over it. I'm sure." Star smiled. I nodded.

"All I'm worried about now is. My picture. Should I smile or just like.. a little smile?" I ask Star, she shrugged. "Because what if-"

Before I could finish my sentence I felt something cold dripping down my hair, I gasped and turned around, Niki "dropped" his lunch on me.

"What- the fuck?!" I shout, "Oops. Maybe I should've payed attention, yeah?" he smirked and walked off. Everyone stared and I felt so embarrassed.

Jake stared at Star, as Star death stared him, "We're you in on this?" she asks him, "No! I didn't know he was gonna-" Jake cut himself off and just sped walked away.

I was speechless. I grabbed my phone and ran out of the lunchroom to the bathroom.

God. I hate him!


I was sitting in the library with Star. We were studying for this stupid test. It was next week and today was Monday so, I had a whole week too study.

As I worked hard and was actually getting the hand of studying until I heard the intercom.

"Kay Win, please report to the principles office immediately. Kay Win, please report to the principals office immediately. Thank you."

"Looks like someone's in trouble." Star laughed, "I didn't do anything?" I shrug and grabbed my things and headed out the library.


Once I got to the office I immediately saw Niki sitting in the chair across from the principals desk. I walked in slowly.

"Hi?" I say, "Thank you for coming in Kay. Please have a seat." The principal said. I sat beside Niki and he sighed.

"Kay, I know this is unexpected but.. Niki is in big danger of failing. And we need someone, anyone to tutor him on the new test coming up."

I stopped and stared at him. "What?" I ask, "Why cant someone else do it?!"

"Because.. you're the smartest one in this school. Straight A's and B's. You're perfect for it. Besides Niki recommended you anyways."

"Wait.. me?" I point to myself. "Yes. You! I mean I tried to get Lisa in here, she's has the second highest GPA, but Niki didn't want her, he wanted you." He says.

I just stared at him, I glanced over at Niki, he was hiding a very obvious smirk. "I-" I didn't know what to say.

"You'd be getting paid from Nikis parents. 5 dollars an hour every other day after school." He says, I didn't wanna do it but, once I heard money was involved, I couldn't say no.

"Alright.. I'll do it." I rolled my eyes. "Thank you very much Kay." The principal says, and dismissed us.

I quickly got up and left, "Hey. Here." Niki says from behind me, I turned around, he handed me a sticky note with this address on it.

I rolled my eyes and turned away, "Cant wait to see you today." he added on, "Bye Niki." I scoffed and continued to walk away. For some reason I felt my face heat up.  I felt some weird feeling in my stomach.

What was this? I didn't care. I hate him for what he did.

He ruined picture day and now I have to help him with a stupid test that he SHOULD know how to do?

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