𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬

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i walked into school and everyone glanced at me, whispering.

"what's everyone on about?" i ask star, "girl! did you see her post.." star showed me her phone,

it was a post by chae,

chae.is_bae: today will b sooo fun!! watch ur back @wifey._.kay i'll c you soon. ;)

"the fuck is that about?" i ask, "i don't know. but i got you. she wont touch you." luna rolled her eyes, "she better not! i will slit her throat." star whispered, "we got you kay." jaesoo smiled and rubbed my back.

niki turned the corner and ran up to me. "hey." he says, i didn't respond, i was just thinking, "i know- just ignore it. i'm gonna handle it." niki says and pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair,

i inhaled his cologne. his smell was so comforting. "let's get to class love." he says and helped me up the stairs, i waved to my friends and we walked to class together.


"what do you want for lunch?" niki asks and sat me down at our usual table, "i can get it myself." i giggled, "pleaseee? let me treat you~" he whined,

"no. i got it. sit down, it's my turn now." i demand, "you're lucky i'm a little of scared of you, i'll do anything you say." he rolled his eyes and smiled, i kissed his head and walked over to line.

i stood in line examining everything, i decided to get us two muffins,

i saw chae get up and quickly run back in line with her tray, of course she was getting seconds.

i grabbed the muffins and was about to leave, until-

"hey! watch out!" i heard chae from behind me,

she "tripped" and poured her lunch all over my outfit, i gasped and she laughed, everyone in the cafeteria looked over and whispered, some pulled their phones out to record

i felt the food dripping all over me. i felt so disgusting. first niki, now chae!?

oh i'm gonna-

"you bitch!" i shout, i quickly attacked her and she fell to the ground, and hit her head on the pole.

i slapped her across her face and she screamed and pushed me off of her,

she got on top of me and tried to pin my hands down, but i threw a punch at her and she held her face in pain,

"what the fuck chae!" i heard niki, he ran over and tried to grab her off of me, "ow ow!" chae cried,

niki pulled her off of me, and star and luna ran over to make sure i was okay, chae stood up and screamed, "NIKI HIT ME!" she cried holding her cheek, everyone gasped,

"no i didn't!" niki scoffed, a teacher quickly ran over and grabbed nikis arm, "you're hitting girls! you're gonna be in a lot of trouble." she says,

"trouble for what!" star stood in front of the teacher, "he didn't hit her!" i shout, holding back tears, chae just started to fake cry, "you fucking liar!" luna screamed, and smacked her face as i held star, chae stumbled back and gasped

"alright! you five in the principals office now!" she points to all of us

chae wiped her tears away and the teacher hugged her, when i'm the one who's covered in FUCKING food.


we all sat in the principals office in silence as the principal was outside talking to nikis mom.

niki was holding my hand as i had a towel over my head, chae was scrolling on her phone? not crying no more hm.

"i cant believe you framed niki!" star says breaking the silence, "i didn't. keep your hands to yourself niki." she smirked, "he didn't even hit you! are you serious of how much trouble he can get in right now?!" luna scoffed.

"oh shut up! all of you! why is no one on my side!" she pout, "because you might have just ruined my entire future." niki says looking down playing with my hand.

"oh whatever!" she laughed, the principal walked back in and chae quickly sat up and got back into her act.

"we have decided what we're gonna do." the principal says, niki grabbed my hand and squeezed it,

oh please no.

"niki. you will attend LXD academy. a college for kids who need to learn about their actions." his mom says,

my heart dropped.

"i'm going there!" chae giggled, "what! why?! i didn't do anything!?" niki stood up,

"chae said you hit her! you know better." she pointed at him, "i didn't even hit her!" he pushed her hand out his face,

"you're going there and that's it!" his mom stomped her foot, nikis eyes began to water,

no.. he won't be going to the same college as me anymore.

"the rest of you will attend your normal college and will comeback tomorrow as if nothing happened. do you all understand?!" the principal says, we all nod,

"i'll send you home kay to get cleaned up." the principal gave me a leave pass. and dismissed us.

"niki. let's go." nikis mom said and dragged him out the office, he looked back at me, tears forming down his eyes as he was pulled away.

i began to cry. star and luna tried to comfort me, chae just giggled, "see what happens?" she frowned and skipped away.

i am gonna kill her.


school wasn't the same anymore. i couldn't even talk to anyone. i was so hurt.

niki and i hung out every time we got too, not being able to leave each other when we had too.

"i've gotta go to class." i hugged niki, "don't." he frowned, i looked up at him, he looked as if he haven't been getting any sleep. or eating..

"are you sleeping?" i ask him, he hesitates but nods, "are you eating?" i ask again, he sighed.

"niki! i'm coming over after school to make sure you take care of yourself." i point at him, he nods slowly, i kissed his cheek and went up the stairs.

just not being with him for one class was killing me already. imagine the entire years of college.

yeah we can visit each other but.. it wont be the same. i'm literally gonna be alone.

wait.. the other college. STAR!

i could just go to the other college i got accepted too. i was so stupid. yeah i still won't be with niki but, it's better to be with star and jake than alone.


"yeah. im gonna go with you star." i tell her, she squealed and quickly controlled herself once she realized we were in a diner.

"oh my god?? shut up!"she whisper screamed and gave me a big hug. i smiled. i looked over at niki, he was playing with his food,

"niki. eat." i whispered to him, he tried to take a bite but, pushed it back down and quickly stormed out the cafeteria.

"oh my.. is he doing okay?" luna asks watching him leave, i shake my head and sighed.

i got up and followed behind niki, chae was sitting with her feet kicked up at her table, smiling at us walking past.

"niki!" i chased after him, he turned around and he was crying, seeing him sad hurt me. his eyes were red and puffy..

. "i gotta get out of here. come over. my moms not home till 11 tonight." he begged, i nod quickly not hesitating, and we grabbed our things and snuck out.

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