Chapter 6

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I am drowning in assignments at the minute it's been weeks since my interaction with Griffin and he's not been around much.

I am disappointed but I know it's not right. I have nothing to be disappointed about. Plus, I don't have the time for anything at the moment.

I've been spending as many evenings as I can with Sophie and hanging out with Jared on campus.

The break is coming up soon and I'm so relieved. I'm with Sophie cramming for my exam tomorrow before break starts.

"He's so hot, I can't wait for you to meet him" I'm too busy looking at my books to take in what she is saying.

"Daisy" practically shouting in my ear.

"What I'm busy" snapping back at her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you" Now I feel guilty.

I put my pen down turning to look at her. I readjust the glasses I've been told I need to wear for the headaches I've been having.

"I'm sorry ignore me I'm stressed. What's going on? I've studied enough" She accepts the apology before speaking again.

"Hunter, the guy I've been seeing I can't wait for you to meet him. We are going out on Saturday I've already invited Jared" Saturday is in two days why is she only just telling me now.

"Saturday as in the day after tomorrow?"

"Well yeah call it an after-exam celebration before we go back home" I'm so looking forward to getting home for a bit but it does mean getting in a car again.

Maybe a night out Saturday is a good idea if I get drunk enough I'll be able to get home without any problems.

"Okay cool, did you also plan a night of alcohol to help me get home?" Fake shock appeared on her face "You know me so well".

"Do you mind if I put a movie on whilst you study" already grabbing the remote.

"No go ahead I am going to grab a coffee, you want anything from the kitchen?" Walking over to the kitchen grabbing a cup. She shouts no like I can't hear her if she spoke at a normal volume.

Walking back over she's settled in one of the armchairs whilst I'm on the couch with my masses of books and notepads.

I'm too busy with my head stuck in a psychology book to realize someone come in. I only notice when they put another cup of coffee down and take a seat next to me.

I look up to see Griffin with a coffee in his hand watching me. He's wearing a black t-shirt which shows off his muscles and tattoos.

Sophie is not in the chair anymore, "I took her to her room she was deep asleep, that girl can sleep through anything" Griffin spoke.

I laugh reaching for the coffee which Griffin made me.

Taking a sip I continue to look at my book.

"I didn't know you wore glasses" I put my book down on the table seeing as he wanted to talk.

"I have to wear them to prevent headaches"

Scooting closer to me reaching out and touching my face "You look cute, what are you working on?".

I can feel my heart rate increase from his touch.

"Exams tomorrow" he reached for my notes reading them.

"You have exams in Psychology and business?" I nod my head finishing the coffee.

"Do you want help studying?" I can see he's serious so agree.

The Art of GriffinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin