Chapter 19

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"Daisy, you really thought we were going to be a forever thing and I wouldn't hook up with other people?" His normally gentle eyes are fuelled with fire.

I don't know what is going on. We were fine up until a few weeks ago.

"Why did you take me to meet your mom?" If he really thought we weren't going somewhere he wouldn't have done that.

"Because my dad was banging on about you and it was the only way to shut her up" he shouts and I feel my heart breaking.

"Oh" I back out of the office hoping he would stop me but he doesn't.

I see the guys in the shop looking at me once I'm out of his office. Fee looks sorry for me, Lacey looks gleeful and Miles looks guilty. I don't want any of them to speak to me so I walk out.

Apart from me thought this might happen but I hoped he meant what he said about really liking me. I'm just an idiot for believing it.

Going home I cry into my pillow, I don't know if he's planning on coming home so I don't stay in our bed.

The next few days of college are brutal and I'm barely able to concentrate.

Christmas is coming up soon and I was working on a little something for him but I guess it doesn't matter now.

Looking at the piece of paper I've been working on I shove it in my draw.

Nathan asked me to go home for Christmas but I told them I needed space and I'd visit them after which he wasn't happy about.

My friends are chatting around me in the cafe talking about what they are doing for Christmas break. All of them are going home but Jared is coming back on boxing day so we decide to go out the night he gets back.

I haven't heard much from Soph, she did send me a few messages asking how I am but I didn't respond.

The apartment has been pretty quiet nobody is ever around. Nathan told me that Sophie's going down to theirs in two days and he wants me to come.

I'm doing some work in my room on my laptop with music blaring in my ears when the song changes I hear banging.

Apart from me is scared of what it is I'm practically living here alone now but the other part is curious so I make my way out of my room.

The noise is coming from Griffin's room.

I walk up to the door knocking on it when nobody answers I open it and my heart sinks at the sight in front of me.

Griffin is holding Lacey's hands above her head whilst he fucks her.

"God yeah like that" She moans.

I can't move I want to move but I can't, he's fucking her in our bed. The guy who said he never brings anyone home.

"Do I feel good?" She moans in his ear when she notices me in the doorway and smirks.

"Yeah you do" he groans back completely unaware that I'm there until I take a step back making a noise.

His gaze meets mine and it's a mixture of anger and shock.

I can't help the tear that escapes my eye and he stops moving.

"Daisy" he groans "Get out I'm busy" he shouts.

I slam the door behind me going straight to the kitchen to find the stash of alcohol we have and take it to my room.

I can't believe he has done this to me. He's the one who said it was our bed and now he's fucking her in it.

I gulp down the vodka straight hoping it will erase all memory of everything that has happened. I have lost my best friend and my boyfriend in the space of a few months.

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