Chapter 24

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Waking up, I feel more positive about my relationship with Griffin. Going home today will show me whether I can trust him in our own surroundings.

I can hear everyone downstairs as I quickly take a shower and put my hair into a messy bun.

I throw on some jeans and a tank top and walk downstairs to join them in the kitchen.

Miles and Soph are sitting at the kitchen island, eating bacon, sausages, eggs, and pancakes. When Nathan and Hannah cook, they go all out. Speaking of them, they are standing near the sink, cuddling and watching everyone.

My eyes move to meet Griffin, who is standing near the coffee. I walk towards him to get some coffee, and he passes me a mug full.

"Thanks," I say, standing next to him.

His hand comes around my waist, pulling me into a side hug as he places a gentle kiss on my temple. "Morning, babe," he says. I look up to see everyone looking at us.

Soph and Nathan don't look too happy, but Miles and Hannah are smiling at us.

"Erm, do you think I can have a word with you guys?" Nathan says, addressing me and Griffin.

I see Hannah elbow him, but he ignores it and waves his hand to the living room, asking us to go in.

Griffin sits next to me on one sofa, while Nathan sits on the other.

"I don't really know what's going on with you two, but I just want you both to be careful," he takes a sip of his drink before continuing. "I know there are feelings from both of you, and I love you both. I just don't want either of you to get hurt."

"Dad, I know I don't have the best track record but I am serious about her. I know how much she means to you all I wouldn't mess with that if I wasn't" Griffin says grabbing my hand.

"I can see how serious you are about her. You look at her the way I look at Hannah," Nathan nods.

"Nathan, I know you wouldn't have chosen Griffin for me," I say, turning to Griffin. "No offense."

Griffin chuckles. "None taken."

"We're just seeing how things go," I add, and Griffin agrees.

"Just be careful. And I'm serious, even though you're a grown man, I'll beat your ass if you hurt her again," Nathan warns Griffin, and I know he means it.

"I'll happily let you," Griffin replies, squeezing my hand.

"Okay, I know you're leaving today. Griffin, take care of the girls and make sure your friend treats Soph right," Nathan says, standing up to give Griffin a hug before turning to me.

"Love you, Daisy," he says, pulling me in for a hug. "I love you too," I replied, wrapping my arms around him.

As we walk back into the kitchen, I see everyone staring at us, maybe expecting a fight.

"Alright guys, we should be leaving soon," Soph says. "I have a lot of work to catch up on," and I nod in agreement.

The long ride home consisted of Soph and Miles arguing about what they wanted for dinner.

Griffin's driving home and we finally arrive back to our apartment and I go study with Soph whilst the guys go out and grab some food for us.

Books are spread out over the living room. Soph has been talking nonstop since we started studying "How can you concentrate and talk so much?" I say to her laughing.

"It's a talent" I look up to her as she responds and see her flick her hair over her shoulder dramatically.

"So, tomorrow is Friday" she says stating a fact as I look at her confused and respond "Yeah?".

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