Chapter 11

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The last few nights have been hell, I haven't seen Griffin since he walked out the other day to work.

The only reason I know nothing's wrong is that Sophie's said he's been spending time at the shop.

She asked if anything had happened and I told her about my extremely awkward interaction with him and Miles. She knew something like this was going to happen but she was glad I was going out with Wes.

Me and him have been messaging back and forth but because Griffin is blanking me I haven't been getting much sleep and I'm exhausted plus I now have college on top of that.

I'm glad when the week is over. Sophie promised we'd stay in tonight and have a movie night.

I study until she gets home and we set up in the living room.

We are watching a horror when we hear keys in the door lock. We both turn to see Griffin walk in, he doesn't even look in my direction as he walks past.

I turn back around acting like it doesn't affect me but in all honesty, it hurts.

Sophie calls it a night and I stay on the couch watching TV and messaging Wes. He sent me the shop's address and told me to meet him there at 12.30pm.

Griffin walks back out of the apartment at about 3am and I must finally drift off.

I wake up at 9am and grab some coffee and breakfast. I message Wes asking what the plan was. He said we'd have some lunch when I got there and then he has clients which I can watch if I want. Then afterward we will go for some dinner and drinks. He told me to dress casually.

I shower, leaving my wavy hair to air dry. I put light makeup on my face and some lip gloss. Once I'm done I pick out an outfit.

It's a date so I don't want to just wear an oversized jumper and leggings but I also don't want to go over the top and wear a dress.

I pick out some denim shorts and a white cropped jumper with my pale yellow high-tops. Once my hair has dried I French plait two sections on the top of my head tying them and leaving the rest of my hair to flow, creating a half up half down style.

Looking at myself in the mirror I'm definitely not overdressed but I look nice.

I decide to grab lunch for us and a Starbucks on the way. I'm not sure what he eats but surely everyone likes Mcdonald's.

Unsure what the order I get a couple of burgers, fries, and nuggets. Grabbing two venti lattes I make my way to the shop which luckily is only around the corner.

I walk in to see a tattooed woman on the reception desk. The shop is pretty big.

"No food in the shop," the woman says to me looking me up and down.

"Fee don't worry she's with me" Wes comes out and hugs me I try to hug back but my hands are full.

"You didn't need to bring lunch but thanks I'm starving, come over here" he pulls me over to the far side of the room where I see all sorts of torture-looking devices.

"Coffee?" I say to him holding a cup out.

"Daisy you're the best" I try hard to not let my cheeks heat but they fail me.

"So how's college going?. What are you studying?" He says as he starts eating.

"I'm taking business and psychology modules at the moment I'm not sure what I want to major in" taking a sip of my coffee "How long have you been piercings for?" I ask.

"I did my first piercing at 14, I've been doing it properly since I was 18. I'm 24 now. You can sit on the bed it's comfier than standing it's been cleaned and sanitized" I look over to see the bed which is used for piercings resting against the wall.

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