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[Third Person POV]

The blonde woman was dragging a small suitcase whilst the brunette man was carrying an orange box walking towards Midoriya who just smiled at them.

"Hey Izuku, is that the brat in your arms?" Mitsuki asked chuckling as she sat down next to Midoriya on the couch, her husband sitting next to her placing the box beside him.

The boy just flashed her a smile and nodded not wanting to wake up the bundle in his arms. He gently handed Mitsuki her child as she happily took him from his arms rocking the baby in her own.

"I'm guessing you're Bakugou's parents?" Todoroki said observing how the couple had the baby in-between them as they looked down at the mini cauliflower with adoring eyes.

They nodded not looking up continuing to caress their child.

Todoroki couldn't help but wonder if that's how normal families were supposed to work.

The baby blonde wasn't affected by being picked up as he continued to slumber, allowing the mother to give the baby to her husband. Mitsuki gave Midoriya the suitcase and box they brought and Midoriya automatically understood.

Mitsuki and Masaru are fashion designers so when they heard their child got hit by an aging quirk, they knew he would need new clothes that would fit him, so they had quickly made clothes for Katsuki to have. Well after they stormed into the mall and went throughout it to buy toys (everything on the shelfs) they knew Katsuki liked from his childhood or they thought he might like.

"May I see what you have brought?" Denki asked the Bakugou's as politely as his vocabulary could comprehend.

They just nodded making Denki pounce onto the box and suitcase cutting his act.

Unlike Midoriya nobody in class 3A knew that Katsuki's parents were fashion designers, not even Kirishima. So it was obvious on why everyone had gathered around to see what the Bakugou's had brought.

Everyone opened the toy box first making the couple snicker. The class just stood in awe seeing the toy theme. Very, VERY green is all I'll say for now. It had a few other colors though but mostly green. Although they did see one toy that stood out and made them wanna squeal.

A cat plushie that was painted almost the same color of Katsuki's hair but lighter. It was from the famous brand 'Kat'. Everyone was confused on how Katsuki's parents had gotten hold of the plush since the brand was quite expensive and was on for limited time. Uraraka once tried to buy the same plush, but it was 132,765,000 yen ($1 million).

None of the class knew who the owner(s) of the brand were since the owner (s) said they didn't want the spotlight and never came out to the public. Although this didn't stop people from buying their high-quality clothing or Plushes or blankets, or bedding, or ANYTHING involving fabric.

No, they don't make hooker outfits or any of that although many people have asked them to.

Mina was about to open the suitcase but looked up at Mitsuki for approval. When Mitsuki gave her confirmation, she practically flung the suitcase open. The whole class gasped when they looked inside. Inside the suitcase was filled with clothes made from the one and only brand, 'Kat'.




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