School >:|

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[3rd Person Pov]


As soon as Izuku entered the classroom everyone immediately surrounded him asking if everything was fine, and if maybe the blonde lost a few screws.

Midoriya explained how everything was fine and that the blonde was quite well behaved during his young years.

It was still pretty early in the morning and there was still a lot of time for when their teacher would come which everyone happily used to play around with the timid baby.

Well... except for a certain brunette who glared at Katsuki from across the room. Katsuki knew the brunette was glaring at him and clung tighter onto Izuku's shirt making Izuku suspicious about what was happening but rubbed it off that the cauliflower was just shy from all the attention he was receiving.

"Seats. Now"

Everyone turned to see their teacher in the front of the room out of his sleeping bag, which just lay a couple feet away from him, his eyes not leaving Midoriya as everyone scurried into their seats. Midoriya didn't know where Katsuki was supposed to sit so, he let the smaller boy sit on his laps.

Midoriya didn't know where Katsuki was supposed to sit so, he let the smaller boy sit on his lap.

"As you know, Bakugou got hit by several quirks, now I want you to still pay attention in class and not let this distract you or else I'll send you to study with class 1B."

The class gasped in horror.

Out of everything else he could've threatened.... but that was too much!

Class 1B was just way to boring to be transferred to!

Kirishima help back his manly tears as he grabbed his shirt near where his heart is.

"Don't worry teach! We'll never stoop so low to have to spend a day with them."

Aizawa smiled a bit.

"You better not."

(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

~~~~~~ Several hours later ~~~~~~

( ̄﹃ ̄)

[Third Person Pov]


The lunch bell rang informing U.A students to head to the cafeteria.

The problem is... Izuku can't.

Currently Bakugou was sleeping on Izuku's lap, curled up in a ball on Izuku's arm.

As if it already wasn't hard enough that Izu had to write with one hand, but it was his left and he was a righty.

Well... his notes are readable but look like a kindergartener wrote them, so you decide.

Back to the point though, Izuku was stuck. Everyone noticed his situation and right after taking some photos to definitely not use as blackmail later they agreed to meet up back in the class with their food. They obviously asked Aizawa first in which he agreed to as long as they brought him lunch too.

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