Wake up sunshine.

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[Izuku Pov]

I walk back into my dorm with Kacchan's notebooks in his backpack that I took.

I closed my dorms door locking it in the process before entering my room. As soon as I entered my room Kacchan ran up to me clinging onto my leg crying.

"I-izu whi yo- u leave-mi?" He stuttered out crying into my leg.

He really changed when he grew up huh?

I sighed picking him up from the floor and hugging him. "Sorry I was doing something important..." I replied dropping my bag onto the floor.

"Am I not important enough for you?" He asked leaning back from my arms staring directly at me with puffy red eyes.

He really thinks I don't care about him.

"No you-you are its just- I accidently fell and... hit my forehead really harrdd??" I stuttered silently cursing under my breath for such a lame excuse. Although technically I did hit my forehead.

"Mwah!" Kacchan planted a soft kiss on my forehead holding it steady with his hands. "There! Now it will heal faster!" He said giggling.

I smiled placing the smaller male back onto the bed leaving him sitting confused.

"Stay here, I'll be right back ok?"

"Mhm ok Izu"

I grabbed the box of toys that Auntie brought earlier from my desk and placed it onto the floor. I don't really know what toys there are in the box, but I was in a rush. Plus, when my classmates checked they didn't have a bad reaction and I don't think that Auntie would give Kacchan anything that would hurt him.

I snapped out of my thoughts and placed Kacchan on the floor to play with the toys. He stared at me and back at the box confused.

"There's toys you can play with in there. Now don't make a mess I'll be right back." I quickly said.

The box's lid is light, or at least light enough for Kacchan to pull on his own, so he's fine.

Kacchan nodded making me smiled. I kissed the top of his head and rapidly left my dorm locking it on the way.

[]~( ̄▽ ̄)~*

[STILL Izuku Pov]

I woke up with my alarm clock blaring in my nightstand. I slammed it off feeling a smaller frame move beside me.

"Humn... what happened?" Baby Kacchan asked me while rubbing his eyes.

I smiled "Nothing, that alarm was for us to wake up for school sunshine."  Wait, SCHOOL?? I completely forgot we have school today- ARGHHHH.

I picked up Kacchan quickly changing him into some clothing that Mitsuki brought. A neon orange shirt with sweatpants

I then quickly changed myself into school uniform grabbing my backpack and shoving in my journals inside. I quickly pulled my backpack over my shoulders.

Kacchan was sitting on my bed staring at me as I ran around the room panicking.

"Izu, its 7:14." He mumbled with a yawn.

Wait, that's early. Well at least for me. I usually always wake up at 7:45 or later. Did I really sleep that good last night? No time to think about that, I should make Kacchan breakfast.

Wait why does Kacchan know time at such a young age- never mind he's always been smart.

I carried Kacchan as he latched onto my shirt. I quickly made it out my dorm swiping my key card to lock it on the way out before quickly making my way down to the common room.

When I entered the kitchen, I was hit by a fresh scent of toast with cinnamon. Mina noticed me coming in and looked up from the pan where she was making the toast, and gave me a smile,

"How's Bakubaby doin'?" She squealed as her eyes quickly dragged down to Kacchan.

"He's not really a problem, quite cooperative." I replied to her while she passed me two pieces of toast.

"Well, you two better eat up, and don't worry I already ate these were made especially for you two."

I nodded handing Kacchan his toast which he happily took a bite of before blurting out, "Tank ou!" between bites. I followed lead and also took a couple bites nodding towards her in a thank you.

Mina smiled walking up to me and bending a bit down toward Kacchan. "Of course! I'm Mina, although you can call me Raccoon Eyes." She said with a wink.

Kacchan giggled and asked "Why should I call you racoon eyes? Why not... Pinky!" Kacchan happily grinned and Mina returned it with a soft smile.

"Anything you want Bakubaby" She replied standing up with a chuckle as she slowly put her hand down toward the blonde's hair in an attempt to pet him. When her hand was in his hair, her eyes widened in shock. "I never knew his hair was this soft..." She mumbled to herself with a soft grin.

I let out a soft chuckle. "Kacchan's hair was always soft, sometimes when we were little I would use his hair as a pillow." Mina chuckled as she let her hand slip away from Kacchan's hair, who was getting quite comfortable in her touch.

( ̄ 'i  ̄;)

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