Chapter 3

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Louis: Hey boys, I was wondering if you guys would be open to meeting up together in person to discuss getting the band back together. I was thinking we could chat, while Freddie, Bear, and Khai had a playdate. Plus, I might have already promised Freddie a playdate. :) 11:35 P.M.

Niall: Aww, tell Freddie I said hi! I'm actually going to be in London from Wednesday to Sunday for a friend's wedding. 11:46 P.M.

Liam: Bear has actually been asking to have a playdate with Khai and Freddie recently, too! Our schedule is pretty free at the moment.

Zayn: We're free, too.

Louis: Great! Should we choose a day when Niall's in-town?

Zayn: Niall is in-town on Saturday, and all our kids spend Saturdays at our houses, right?

Louis: Right. Can everyone make it next Saturday?

Liam: Yep!

Zayn: We can make it

Niall: Me too!

Louis: Kay then, me and Harry will decide details and check back with you guys.

👍liked by Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and Liam Payne

I picked up my phone and dialled Brianna's number. I didn't want to wait to tell Freddie about the playdate. He was super excited about it yesterday. He had gone to Brianna's house to spend the rest of the week. The device buzzed in my hand four times before going to speaker phone. I decided to leave a text instead.

Louis: Hey, Brianna. Would you let Freddie know he can have a playdate with Bear and Khai next Saturday?

Brianna: Just told him. He's very happy! 😁

Louis: Haha, thanks!

I went off to look for Harry. I bet he's still in bed. He's been super tired lately because he just finished tour nearly a week and a half ago. When I arrived in our bedroom, he was on his laptop. His eyes slowly looked up and met mine.

"Hey babe," He said tiredly. I smiled.

"Hey love, did you just wake up?" I asked. He wiped his eyes and yawned.

"Yeah," Haz mumbled while nodding his head.

"The boys are free to meet up next saturday. I told them we'll figure out the details."

"Sounds good to me. Did you take Freddie to Brianna's?"


"What do you want to do today? We have the entire day to ourselves," I directed at Harry.

"Absolutely nothing," He told me, which was understandable. I can't imagine how worn out he must've felt after touring so intensely.

As we spent the entire day doing nothing, I took it upon myself to figure out the details for the band's meetup. We agreed to meet at Harry and I's house in the late morning and also get a meal together. Not in public of course, that would be a recipe for disaster. We can't let the fans know about the get-together before we are ready.

"Louuu!" Harry called from the living room. I ran over. Haz sat flopped on the couch, holding his phone out to me. I took a close look at the photo on the screen.

I chuckled before rolling my eyes.

"I've seen that one, Haz. At least I got through a proper sentence, unlike some people."

"If I was by myself without you staring at me from the corner of the room, I would've done much better," Harry remarked. I could tell that Harry was starting to regret showing me the meme in the first place. I plopped down on the couch beside him.

"Is that so?" I asked. He shook his head with a smile, laughing, taking in the situation. "What do you want for lunch?"

Harry thought for a moment. "We could order a pizza," He suggested.

"Alright, I'll order. What do you want?"


"Thank you so much!" I told the pizza delivery man. I closed the door behind me before walking to the kitchen and placing the pizza on the counter.

"Mmm, smells good," Harry said. He grabbed two drinks for us from the fridge and handed one to me.

"Thanks, babe." I opened the drink and took a sip.

"This reminds me of that one night during x-Factor when I came to hang out in your dressing room," Harry told me.

"Ohh yeah... that was a really great day."

We had just finished our 3rd x-factor performance. Everyone departed to their dressing rooms after the program was done for the night. Harry came to my dressing room after he had got his makeup taken off. He had changed back into his sweats and hoodie. He held out a thin cardboard box.

"My mum got us pizza." I welcomed him into my dressing room. The five of us always ate dinner after our performances no matter how late it got. No one could eat before because of how nervous we were. We had all done amazing during our performance. Everyone had nailed their parts. It was a great night. We spent the evening watching x-factor reruns while eating pizza.

"Do you want to go for a walk outside?" I asked Harry.

"Sure, should we ask management?"

"Nah." With it being so dark outside already, no one would be able to spot us. Besides, all of the fans had left already, and management wouldn't even notice we would be gone. "It'll be fine."

We discreetly headed off x-factor premises before we started chatting. We talked about school, about our life back home, about ourselves, getting to know each other even more. We walked until we reached a small playground area. We sat down on one of the benches. I turned to face Harry. He did the same. The street lights shone on our faces, creating a glisten on Harry's gorgeous emerald green eyes that were staring into mine.

"I really like you, Harry." I seemed to blurt out. His face gradually lit up. The edges of his lips turned up into a smile. He blushed harder than I've ever seen him blush before.

"I really like you too," he replied, softly. I felt like my insides were bubbling over. I didn't think this night could get any better. He reached his hands over to cup my face. His lips touched mine. I kissed him back. His lips were even softer than they looked. Everything was so unbelievable. I savoured each moment, from the way he smelled to his delicate hands on my face. He pulled away before I could do anything about it. A smile was left on both of our faces. We stayed still for a while until a light rainfall appeared. We decided to head back as the light rainfall had turned into a heavy downpour. We half-ran, half-danced back to the studio while singing our favourite songs.

"It was a really great day," Harry thought out loud, bringing me back to reality. "It was when you told me you liked me."

"And we had our first kiss together," I added. Harry took another slice of pizza from the box.

"Zayn gave me a knowing look when we got back to the studio. He probably knew something was going on," Harry explained. This was news to me, but also not a surprise. There was something special about Zayn.

"He knew we liked each other before we did."

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