Chapter 7

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Tonight was our London show. It was still early morning as of now. I got up at dawn because I've been especially nervous about a certain something taking place today. I still lay in bed, pondering.

"You alright love?" Harry had woken up. I hadn't meant to wake him. That's the last thing I wanted to do.

"Yeah. Go back to sleep, H."

"What are you on about? It's still early."

"Nothing, just thinking. Go back to bed." I smoothed my hand over Harry's back. He turned over to glance at the time on his phone. 4:23 A.M.

"Try to get some sleep, Love," Harry said, his raspy morning voice still present.

"Yeah, I'll try." I slipped back into the covers, pretending to sleep so that Harry could rest assured.


"Ready?" Liam asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I mustered. I had joined Liam in his dressing room.

"You've waited 15 years for this, Tommo. Don't fuck it up."

I chuckled. "Yeah, thanks for the pep talk, I'm bloody inspired." I headed out Liam's dressing room and back into my own. As I re-entered my room, Freddie was there. So were my sisters, Brianna, and everyone else. "Hey Freddie! How's my boy?" I exclaimed loudly. I crouched down to give him a big hug. I was so happy to see him again. It had been a while since we had been apart for so long. I gave a greeting to everyone else.

"Nervous?" Phoebe asked me. I nodded. "Relax... he's so in love with you."

"Yeah... I know."

"Mom would be so fucking proud." I smiled, my eyes watering. I nodded.

"I hope so."

Freddie took Brianna's hand. "Do you want to go see Dada?" She asked him. He nodded yes. "'Kay, we're gonna go see Harry," Brianna directed at me. "We wish you the best, Louis."

"He's the last one down the hall. Right then, see you guys later," I said. They left out the door.

"Sorry to interrupt; family and friends are going to need to leave in a couple minutes." It was Paul. Almost as soon as he appeared in the doorway, he left. I assume he was making his way around to everyone else's rooms make the same announcement.


"If I could fly, I'd be coming right back home to you. I think I might give up everything, just ask me to." The harmonies blended seamlessly with the melodies. "Pay attention, I hope that you listen. Cause I let my guard down."

"Niall, a little bit flat on 'Guard down'," Helene stated. "Gu-ard down," She sang, explaining with her hand gestures. "Right, everyone now, start from 'Pay attention...'"

"Pay attention, I hope that you listen. Cause I let my guard down."

"Much better. Keep going," Helene exclaimed.

"Right now I'm completely defenceless. For your eyes only, I show you my heart. For when you're lonely, and forget who you are. I'm missing half of me, when we're apart. Now you know me. For your eyes only. For your eyes only."

"Right, you boys are ready. Good luck." Helene ushered us out of the warm-up room. I adjusted my in-ears and mic pack. Our family and friends had headed out to the VIP seating by now.

"10 minutes! 10 minutes!" Paul warned. "Let's start heading upstairs, boys."


"I've got fire for a heart. I'm not scared of the dark. You've never seen it look so easy." We entered the stage. The screams were absolutely deafening. I could see the family-filled VIP box seats up above. The adrenaline rushed through me.

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