Chapter 6

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"Come on, we're running late, boys," Paul hurried. It was good to have the gang back in one room. It didn't feel real. Following behind us were Lou, Lux, Krystal, and the rest. This wasn't our first time being with the group again. We had met up multiple times in preparation, but this time felt... different. Zayn, Liam, Harry, Niall, and I were ushered into separate dressing rooms. There we got our hair, makeup, and wardrobe put together. When we reconvened, I noticed that all of our looks were more grown up than the years prior. They represented us as individuals, but were also coordinated with each other. Harry's management had done a great job.

I wore tracksuit bottoms, a simple t-shirt, and custom tennis shoes. My hair was styled in its usual manner, instead of the ways it used to be. I surveyed the room. Liam had on black trousers, a solid coloured t-shirt, fitted jacket, and fancy wristwatch. We began to make our way into the warm-up room. It was here that I could feel the adrenaline start to build. Niall wore grey-plaid trousers, and a casual dress shirt. It looked as if he was heading for the golf course. Zayn wore dark jeans and a loose jumper. He had an earring in one ear. To my left was Harry. I could sense his nervousness as he sprayed a scent from a small bottle into his mouth. H wore dark trousers with a bold, statement-piece shirt. He looks gorgeous as ever. He must've noticed me looking, and turned to face me. "You look gorgeous as ever, Love," I vocalised. His cheeks flushed a light pink before he returned the compliment.

"So do you, Lou." I smiled as Harry placed his hand around my waist.

"'Kay, off to soundcheck, boys. Did you guys eat dinner yet?" Paul asked. He directed us to the room down the hall.

"No." Liam voiced for the group. "I've got too much adrenaline." The rest of the boys seemed to agree. As we arrived at the designated room, Helene greeted us at the doorway. Helene Horlyck was our vocal coach from the very start. We all had a great relationship with her.

"Hey boys! You guys look fantastic," Helene stated. She looked at us from head to toe. We all squished into the medium sized room. "Right, What a Feeling, 5, 6, 7, 8..."


"Thanks," I said as I was handed my in-ears. We had gotten new ones done for the reunion tour. Most of us still had working in-ears from our solo work, but it was fun to get new ones. I attached my mic pack to my trousers and headed to join the rest of the group. We did our group warmup, and were finally ready to head to the stage. This arena had no secret entrance or lifts like some of our previous ones. This one was simple. We would just enter from a side door, out of view from the audience. During our many months of preparation, we had many rehearsals of the tour. It was just like the old days. We were taught our choreography. Though we didn't dance, choreography made sure we knew our general direction to head, to make sure we were balanced equally across the stage. We were informed of the setlist, and when each of us would give our little speeches. We knew when all of our breaks were, and when the fan interactions happened. I listened in as our intro video briefed the fans for what was to come. As it finished, Drag Me Down began to play. That was our cue. We were as ready as ever.


The lights illuminated our figures as we entered the stage. They were hot and strong on my forehead. Instantly, the screams and cheers of fans filled the stadium. It was unlike any concert we've done. Every available spot was occupied. The fans lined the arena from head to toe. I placed my mic on the stand once I had gotten to my destination. Just like we practised. I took in a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. A feeling of nostalgia filled my body.


As the show went on, my nerves calmed. We had already sung Hey Angel and Perfect. All of our solos had gone well. "How's everyone doing?" Liam directed at the crowd. This was the first opportunity to talk to the fans tonight. The fans cheered louder than I thought was possible. "We're very excited to be touring again. It has been a long few years, but we're finally back." Even with the volume of the microphone turned up, it was difficult to discern what Liam was saying over the cheers and screams. The rest of the boys chimed in now and then, agreeing with Liam. I did the same. "I think I speak for all the boys when I say that we are very honoured that all of you showed up to our first show." Liam scanned the stadium from top to bottom, taking in the awe of the situation. "This tour will be different from our previous ones, but I hope you all will stick with us as we navigate this way of living for a second time... Sing along with us, this is Infinity."

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