Chapter 31-40

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Chapter 31

With his roar, many people came out of the ink factory, even Widow Zhang was shocked.

Seeing the two men in white shirts and green trousers, they thought they were here to arrest her and Chen Siyu, so they were frightened and let Aunt Guo go.

He Xinsong wanted to yell, but stopped him coldly, turned around and saw a tall uncle, stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, uncle, are you the leader here?" "I am." Director Guo stepped forward to shake hands

, Seeing that his hands were dirty, he hurriedly wiped them on his pants.

Leng Jun first introduces himself: "My name is Leng Jun, from the Flying Brigade

of the Empty Academy." Heh, all the aunts in the courtyard were stunned at the same time. They thought Siyu chasing the pilot was just a joke, and everyone just listened to it as a joke. I didn't expect to see the pilot today.

White shirt, green trousers, full body size, beautiful eyebrows and beautiful eyes, Miao Qing whistled in her heart, no wonder Chen Siyu dared to give up her face and chase after her, she was ten years younger, she dared to fight, this is too good-looking .

Wei Er was also dumbfounded, he was timid, and he didn't dare to cause trouble in his spare time, but he grew up so big, it was the first time he played a hooligan today, and unexpectedly met a man that Chen Siyu couldn't catch up with.

His luck is too good.

He continued coldly: "This comrade named Wei Er was playing hooligans with Chen Siyu in front of us just now." "No, no,

everyone, I didn't..." Of course Wei Er wanted to defend himself.

Aunt Guo snorted: "Wei Er, Wei Er, I haven't seen enough of Wang Dapao's fate. He follows Siyu's ass every day. This is a good time. The retribution is coming. Have you been caught?" Aunt Xu also said

: "As soon as Fan Siyu came home, you lay down in front of her like a dog and wagged your tail. Today is a good day. I was caught by a soldier. I see how you can defend yourself."

"I really don't, Chen Siyu, you can speak for me." Wei Er stared hard and bared his teeth: "Aren't you afraid that I will call Maugham and the defense team?" The defense team is easy to handle

, As long as Wei Er is a hooligan, they are more interested in hooligans than speculation.

It can be caught and regarded as a model to be criticized.

But Maugham is more troublesome.

Xuan Ang is just a child, and he has no autonomy over his own things. Chen Siyu is his sister, and he can make decisions for him logically, but it can be deduced that Maugham has more power in choosing that wealth.

And Maugham, in order to get Wang Dapao back from Guyuan, is racking his brains and looking for merits everywhere.

If you know those things are still there, why don't you hurry up and make decisions for your daughter and turn them over to the country?

So Wei Er felt that he was pinching Chen Siyu's life, trying to threaten her.

But how can Chen Siyu's fate be grasped by ordinary people?

Not only can't, she can't let Wei Er take the lead, she said: "Director Guo, there is something in our house, currently it is a cultural relic, and it should be handed over, but Xuan Ang and I have various reasons. If I don't want to hand it over, Wei Er threatened me with it, wanting me to marry him, but I would rather hand it over than marry him!" As soon as

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