Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51

In this era, in addition to fighting the Four Olds, there is also a sport called Catch the Enemy Agents.

Because it was not long after liberation and the current situation was still unstable, there were many enemy agents in the territory who had not withdrawn to the other side. They were hiding among the people and were ready to sabotage at any time.

Of course, they need a radio transmitter to communicate with each other.

In the 1950s, Beicheng destroyed radio transmitters in a concentrated manner, and even searched very carefully from house to house. Once found, they were all destroyed.

But there are policies above and countermeasures below. Since they are enemy agents, they will naturally hide the radio transmitter very secretly, hiding it in a place that is difficult for ordinary people to find.

And they only send out the report when they are in use, and hide it quietly when they are used up.

Even though the police searched over and over again, there were still some unknown signals sending out messages from time to time in the city, and in this case, anyone who could find a transmitter must be a great achievement.

Director Fang was stunned, and applauded on the spot: "This is an abandoned telegraph, it is indeed a great achievement, and Yu Yongjian's team is credited with a first-class achievement!

" In the sewer, with the rats in the gutter, for this moment.

Listening to the applause of the leaders, seeing the onlookers coming up, I quickly showed them: "Have you seen, the four olds, the tools of the enemy agents, but we all took them out of the sewer." The onlookers were actually not happy, after all, the

Bodhisattva Oh, gods and ghosts, ordinary people still believe in it, and hiding things in the sewer is also to prevent them from being smashed and destroyed by young generals. Now look at their carloads, and invite all the Bodhisattvas out. It had to be smashed on the spot, and I was so sad that I didn't applaud.

Feng Dagang had neither reaped any benefits nor gained any merit, so he gritted his teeth angrily, and said loudly: "Isn't it just a broken radio station? Abandoned rubbish is not worthy of first-class merit." Director Ye also agreed

. Now, after all, the leader of the Municipal Bureau, who has some experience, was carefully inspecting the transmitter, and suddenly raised his head: "Did this thing be thrown in the water, or outside?

" Central, just wrap it in this oilcloth, and it's well wrapped."

Director Ye's face changed drastically, and he cursed: "A bunch of trash, this thing is intact, it's a usable radio station, it can be seen that there are enemy agents relying on the unique advantage of the sewer, You have been engaged in activities of enemy agents, and you took it out rashly to scare the snakes, and the enemy agents hid after being alarmed, how did the police arrest them? Are you doing meritorious service

? , but suddenly the situation reversed and turned into a disaster?

Yu Yongjian was dumbfounded: "It's already soaked in water, can it still be good?"

Chen Siyu was also angry, and said: "Yongjian, ignorance kills people. As a young general, don't you even know that oilcloth can be waterproof, so you just Wouldn't you turn on the radio to see if it's good or bad?"

At present, the high school is still open, but Yu Yongjian is too lazy to study, he dropped out of school early to start a revolution, and he doesn't even have basic knowledge of physics.

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