Chapter 14 : Reunion (Prologue 2-3)

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Gray Raven : The Graffiti Arc [Main Story]

Chapter 14 : Reunion

Corrupted : "—ugh"

Lucia : "Commandant, this way..."

Lucia steadily paves a path, coldly surveying for ambushes and cutting apart any approaching Corrupted.

Lucia : "Commandant? Please follow tight."

Commandant : "Lucia, there are no more Corrupted around."

Lucia : "Sorry, Commandant. I must look... uncanny right now..."

"The symptoms of M.I.N.D. deviation are... showing..."


"I've heard that... maintaining close contact with your commandant can help stabilize M.I.N.D. integrity."

"But... with my condition now..."

Commandant : "Don't strain yourself, leave the navigation to me!"

Lucia : "Then... I just follow you like this, Commandant... Is it alright...?"

After a short rest, you and Lucia reach your destination-a small area hidden by the ruins.

Beneath the shadows stand a discontented-looking teenager, and...

A somewhat reluctant and petite girl.

Liv : "You're badly hurt, Lucia... Commandant, you too..."

Lucia : "I'm fine. I disabled my pain receptors. I can continue with the mission."

Liv : "You shouldn't be so reckless..."

Lee : "Well, it was a reckless plan."

Lucia : "At least we succeeded."

Lee : "Yes, but you were seriously injured. Most importantly, we almost lost the commandant. Now Liv can't even fight."

Lucia : "Liv , too...?"

Liv : "Sorry, the overload attack just now caused the Levi-Gun's core to have a meltdown.."

"But I can at least provide the team with computational and data support!"

Lee : "Sigh ."

Lucia: "Lee, your hands..."

Lee : "I just burned it while connecting the Levi-Gun core to the city's power grid. It's just a flesh wound. Don't worry about it."

Liv : " Lee... "

Lee : "Oh, Commandant—"

"I grabbed some more serum for you. I figured you needed it."

"I'm sure you can guess where I got it."

"Anyway, let's not get ambushed by Corrupted. Continue with the next phase of our plan, Lucia."

Lucia : "Alright. Just to recap, our mission is to participate in the recovery of City 015."

"Once we finish clearing out the Corrupted in this area, the Engineering Force will arrive and begin setting up City 015 as a new base on humanity's front Earth-side."

"But our situation is looking grim. We need to first rendezvous with the nearby supply team, so we can stock up on supplies..."

"After updating the map, I found a shortcut to the nearest rendezvous point through the nearby church-let's go that way."


—in the Church—

Lucia : "Ah- !"

"The church..."

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