He Is Back!!

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You sat in the secret underground bar of the Continental Hotel in New York, sipping your martini. You kept checking for your flip phone for any kind of job or a bounty on somebody's head. It never hurted to always have more money. Certain thoughts kept intruding in your mind---- like the rumor about John Wick, the infamous Baba Yaga. Your heart broke when you had heard about him retiring from the "life" to marry a woman and lead a boring white-picket fence life. But it was short-lived for him. When his wife died, he had invited you for the wake which made you feel worse than being relieved. No, you didn't have a name for how you felt. You tried your best to comfort him and offer him your heartiest condolences but all you got from him was monosyllabic answers.

Maybe secretly you wanted him to be happy and safe. But you couldn't deny that you felt the familiar pangs of jealousy when John wrapped everything up and left for a woman named Helen. You were used to hearing from him now and then, when he was working as an assassin. He went completely dark after he left and you ended up taking assignments and going on missions, obliterating your targets like a mindless killing machine. So you are in the bar and like a lovesick puppy, hoping and praying that he would stroll in the bar again. You decided to take a look around and your eyes met the eyes of Winston, the kindly and sarcastic manager of the Continental hotel. He raised his glass to you and you did the same.

You felt so bored that you decided to finish reading the horror novel that you have been carrying around with you. Suddenly, there was a subtle change around your surroundings and it made you look up from your book. You felt your heart stop literally and then skip a few beats as you witnessed a tall and handsome man with neck length shiny dark hair, wearing a impeccable black suit, enter the bar. You smelled a very familiar scent that you had been missing for a while. It was a scent which consisted of gunpowder mixed with patchouli and a hint of sandalwood. You breathed in the scent deeply. You saw him take a seat at Winston's table. You wished there was some way to capture his scent and keep it with you forever.

You kept an eye on them and wished you could read their lips. Finally, the man whom you have been waiting to see for a long time, got up, headed towards the bar for a drink. As he was passing by your table, your eyes met his. You nodded and he nodded back and the end of his jacket brushed against your shoulder. A smile spread on your lips unconsciously but you found Winston watching you. You quickly composed yourself and buried yourself in your book. You wished you could find out what brought him back and you knew instinctively that something bad had happened to him again. You had drank all of your martini but were feeling too lazy to get up and get another drink for yourself.

Suddenly, another martini was placed in front of you and you found none other than John Wick taking a seat opposite you, a martini in his hand. "Welcome back and to what do I owe this honor, Mr. Wick? You asked, already sipping your drink. "I need to borrow some coins, if that's okay?" He asked. You quickly rummaged your bag and placed a small ornate metal box in front of him. "You are welcome to take as much as you need, Mr. Wick," you said with a warm smile. You hoped he couldn't hear how fastly and loudly your heart was beating in your chest. He emptied half of the box and shoved them in the pocket inside of his jacket. "What made you come back?" You asked him tentatively. "I am not back and its John. I owe you, Dominika," John Wick said as he left just like that.

But he left his scent with you, around you, in your mind and soul. You found that Winston had been watching the exchange between you and John Wick like a hawk. Maybe he had sent him to you. Who knew and you didn't care. You returned the empty glass to the bartender named Addie and left the bar.

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