Epilogue (It's Not a Goodbye)

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You woke up and found John Wick had already left. He had left a box of vanilla cupcakes with a letter on top of the box. You opened the letter and smelled it before starting to read. The letter smelled like gunpowder, patchouli, and sandalwood. He had explained in the letter that dating or romance among hitmen and assassins are like mine fields.

Therefore, both of you need to keep your relationship secret. You two shouldn't be seen together all the time. It would be easier for both of our enemies to torture either of us for information about one another. We shouldn't let ourselves be each other's weaknesses. Lastly, you finally knew the code words that are used only for conveying romantic feelings in the world of assassins and hitmen.

You went to take a shower and knew instantly that he had taken a shower before leaving. There was a half-wet shirt with blood stains, hanging from the rack, a gold coin, a switchblade, an empty gun clip, lying around on the bathroom floor. You took the shirt and felt it. It was the only proof that what happened between them was real, and not a figment of your imagination. You put all the things that he had left behind in a box. The cut inside of your lip, the little souvenir from the tryst between you and him,  throbbed a little and you inspected it.

When you went to take a shower, you found that your neck was littered with love bites. There were some bruises in your body that you knew you didn't get from any fight. You checked out of the Continental hotel after having lunch. While you were on your way home and he kept crossing your mind, you picked up your phone and sent a text in his number saying "I love you" on a sudden whim. It was okay if he didn't say it back because that wouldn't stop you from loving him forever. Your phone vibrated and you quickly picked it up. There was a text from an "Unknown Number" saying "Dessert it is," with a little smiley face emoji. Your heart leapt in joy and you held the phone to your chest. You knew that you would see John Wick again down the road, and you couldn't wait to see and fight with him again.

Game of Hearts (John Wick x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now