The Secret Matchmaker

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**{A/N: There are some rules in the assassin world that the reader was not familiar with yet. Fraternization with fellow assassins and hitmen are strictly forbidden and are rarely seen. Any kind of romantic relationship between two assassins or hitmen must be kept a secret for security purposes. Lastly, the invitation from an assassin to have "dessert" to another assassin is usually equivalent of a formal romantic proposal. Certain kinds of desserts like "cheesecake", "red velvet", "vanilla cupcake", and "white truffle cake" are code language for sexual liaison among a male and female assassin and vice versa.}**

That very night John Wick was woken up by a phone call from the hotel manager Winston, asking to meet him immediately. He entered Winston's office and sat down facing him. "Winston?" He asked. Winston Scott, the clever and resourceful manager of the Continental Hotel, placed a bookmark on the page that he was reading and closed the book. He looked at the handsome and a little groggy assassin sitting in front of him from the top of his reading glasses. "Jonathan, sorry for summoning you at this hour but it couldn't wait. Are you keeping busy tomorrow?" He asked. "Afraid so, Winston. I have some cleaning to take care of," he answered. "On that very note, I need to tell you something... impart an invaluable piece of wisdom that might help you in your future "cleaning agendas". John nodded and waited expectantly.

"You will not survive if you go after Iosef tomorrow. Viggo made sure of that. So I suggest you get yourself a partner-in-crime, so to speak..." The manager drawled, emphasizing on the term "partner-in-crime". John raised an eyebrow. "Like who?" He asked. "Let's just say you know someone who will be there for you and help you, without the involvement of a marker." A "hmph" was all Winston got from the taciturn and dangerous assassin who was sitting in front of him. "She sent me Iosef's location..." John Wick answered. "She can be useful to you, Jonathan. She is in love with you," Winston stated. After a few minutes of pin-drop silence, John Wick just said, " Yeah."

The next day found John Wick hitting the safehouse where Iosef was, very hard. He tricked the guards of the safehouse, and killed all of them. Some of them were sniped by his "partner-in-crime". However, all he wanted was to get to Iosef and make him pay for what he had done to him. He had already warned you from beforehand that Iosef was his kill. So you worked hard to clear a path for him to find Iosef. You knew that you had gotten the front row seat of the best show in the house. You would never get tired of watching the infamous Baby Yaga or Boogeyman to do what he did best. It was entertaining as well as scary at the same time. His work reminded you again and again not to get John Wick's bad side.

He killed a guard and took his position. Then he pretended to be him to confirm his position. He sniped Iosef's friend and killed all the guards in his room. Then he blew up their getaway cars. When Iosef was being taken to safety by the only guard left alive, he sniped him. Iosef ran like a scared animal but you knew there was nowhere that he could hide from John Wick. He was finally found and shot by Wick on the stomach and then on the head. Even before dying, Iosef failed to garner any kind of sympathy as he wasted his final breath whole-heartedly support his heinous act of destroying the infamous assassin's home and life. It may seem a little too much or over the top for some people, but if someone did the same thing to you, you also wouldn't hesitate to hunt and kill the bastard. You hoped and prayed that he finally will gain some peace and stability after avenging his dog and car.

You drove John to the Continental. He quickly disappeared in his room to freshen up and you did the same too. You chose a shimmery navy blue body sheath for lunch. However, when you went to get a table, the host handed you an envelope with your name written on the back. It said that John Wick had booked a table for you and him in the evening. You wondered why he didn't join you for lunch. You started to eagerly anticipate another dinner date with him.

But you couldn't figure out why you suddenly felt so excited about the evening. You started to get this feeling that something very unusual was going to happen at dinner time. You didn't know what to expect and decided to wear a silk blouse, a pencil skirt, complete with a long overcoat. You felt on edge and decided to watch the television for a bit. Eventually, you fell asleep on the couch but woke up on your bed. It was around 5:30 pm and your dinner reservation was at 7 pm sharp. You couldn't wait any longer and decided to take a long and relaxing bath before dressing up. You applied heavy eye and lip make-up. You chose the space bun hairstyle leaving two long strands of hair loose, hanging on your face. You thought you looked presentable enough.

You arrived at the restaurant of the Continental at around 6:47 pm and found him already seating at the table. You quickly took a seat opposite of him. You were amazed how ravishing and radiant he looked wearing light-colored clothes. He wore a beige cashmere high-neck sweater along with black silk trousers. He exuded a warm and friendly vibe instead of his usual cold and unapproachable persona. He poured bourbon on your glass and clinked your glass with his. "Good evening, Dominika," he greeted you with a hint of smile. His black hair looked so soft and shiny that you wished you could just reach out and run your fingers through them.

"I believe I owe you something.." he muttered as he pulled out a wrapped box complete with a bow from under the table. "I don't want you owing me anything," you said in a mock-insulted voice which made him chuckle. You couldn't believe that you had made the Boogeyman laugh. You unwrapped your present carefully and found the most beautiful knife you have ever laid your eyes on. "Wow this is... I don't know what to say..." you said as you admired the intricate design on the hilt of the knife. "I owe you this dinner and then maybe you would join me for dessert at my room," he replied. However, you felt a little confused.

"We can have dessert here too. They have some of most exquisite collection of desserts here," you replied, sipping your wine.

"How about cheesecake?"

"I'm afraid I don't like them very much."

"Red Velvet?"

"I'm not sure..."

"Vanilla Cupcakes?"

"I love Vanilla Cupcakes."

When you looked up, you found John looking at you with an odd look in his eyes. His eyes seemed darker than usual and you suddenly felt very vulnerable, having dinner with the most dangerous and assassin in a strangely deserted restaurants. "The restaurant should be bustling right now but yet it is oddly empty," you noted. "Yeah," John answered, still looking at you in a strange way. "You look really beautiful tonight, Miss Zelenková, if I may say so," he observed. You couldn't help the blush the crept up to your cheeks or the nervousness that made your palms more sweaty. "You are not too bad yourself," you replied. He put his hands on top of yours, and looked at your eyes intensely.

You knew that your cheeks have gotten redder. He led you to his room. His pet dog was already asleep on its bed, snoring lightly. Both of you sat on the edge of the bed. He reached out and stroked your cheeks lightly then pulled you in for a kiss. He deepened the kiss as your fingers played with his hair and massaged his scalp. Both yours and his tongue fought for dominance but neither won. You felt his teeth break the skin inside of your lips and you pulled away. Your fingers came away with blood. "You bit me?" You whispered to the Boogeyman. "I always wanted to taste you.." he murmured as he pressed his lips to yours again. You were in a place of bliss, on a place more beautiful than heaven when you felt his hands on your blouse, undoing the buttons. You moaned into his mouth.

His hands were inside your blouse touching, exploring, and mapping. His lips made their way down your neck. He nibbled and sucked on the skin of your jugular. You threw your head back as waves and waves of pleasure coursed through your body. Eventually, you found yourself, naked, uncovered, and exposed, under him, who was also in the same state. He moved on top of you, making you come undone, turning you inside out. Then you and him, utterly spent, fell asleep in each other's arms.

Game of Hearts (John Wick x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now