Little Luck On My Side

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You find yourself watching from the scope of your sniper rifle the scene that has been enfolding few miles away from you. You have built a gun nest on the roof of a half-finished building. You have been watching a full-on battle between John Wick and the men of Viggo Tarasov. You have been keeping count of the men that are meeting their end at the hands of the infamous Baba Yaga. The henchmen of Viggo just keeps coming and coming. You wanted to snipe a few of them but John's words come back again and again in your mind.

John Wick is entitled to his kills and seek vengeance for the things Viggo Tarasov's son and his friends did to him. Luckily you spotted a van heading towards John and it didn't look too great for him. He was occupied by other men shooting at him from all directions. Fuck your pride, John! I ain't gonna let those animals kill you. You tried to get the driver in your sight and you pressed the trigger. The car lost balance and filled over. The passengers of the car must be dead, you prayed. Suddenly, you spotted Viggo hiding behind the overturned car, talking with his men. They couldn't be planning anything good. You bet on your life that they were planning to take John by surprise. Fortunately, you have a clear target on Viggo and his butler or advicer guy.

You took the shot without hesitating. Viggo's head exploded on the other guy's face. He looked very scared and he had nowhere to go. Guns were being fired all around him. You sniped that guy too. The sound of gunfire stopped abruptly after a few minutes. John Wick came into view, seeking Viggo. He found him dead behind the overturned car. You quickly dismounted your gun as he started to look around in confusion. You took out a small binocular with anti-glare lens and tried to analyze the look on John Wick's face. He was still looking around, his face like an emotionless mask. Then you saw him calling someone and leaving the site.

You decided that its imperative to haul your ass and reach the hotel before he did. What if he decided to check in on her and failed to find her in her room. You knew he wasn't stupid and it wouldn't be hard for him to put two and two together. Under less than five minutes, you got in your car and drove like the wind towards the Continental. You checked in with the front desk and requested Charon not to disclose your whereabouts to anybody that morning. You dropped your weapons in your room, took a hot shower, changed your clothes and went to the Continental's restaurant for having lunch.

You went to book a single table for yourself when the host informed you, a table is already booked for you by John Wick. Your heart started to pound hard in your chest. She directed you to your table and to wait for Mr. Wick to join you. After 10 mins, you saw him, dressed in his usual black suit, making his way towards you. You raised your glass of wine to him. "I apologize for keeping you waiting," he said as he took a seat opposite you. "It does not matter," you answered as you played with your wine glass, waiting for him to berate or admonish you for killing Viggo for him. You kept looking at him through your eyelashes. His hair was gelled back and his dark circles looked a little better. He also ordered a glass of red wine for himself and ordered Antipasto Garlic Bread with Argentinian Beef Empenadas for you and him.

You couldn't wait any longer. "Ok, I sniped Viggo because I wanted to help you," you said, without looking at him. He didn't say anything but continued, eating his lunch. You reached out and placed your hands on his. "I think you know why, John," you whispered. He had stopped eating and finally looked at you. "That's unfortunate because it will kill you," he replied. "How so?" you asked. He remained silent for a long time. "Everything I touch, dies," he whispered. He removed his hand from yours. You felt this inside pain in your chest as if something is turning you inside out. "That's not true, John. And I don't care if it kills me," you observed. He sighed and looked around. "Not now. Not here," he answered. He walked you to your room after lunch.

You drank a little and took a nap. Then you are summoned by Winston again. You two greeted each other. He cut to the chase instantly. "I know where Viggo's son is being kept. Jonathan has been trying to find him," he said. "I'm aware," you replied. He took out a paper and handed it to you. "You must give this to Jonathan immediately. I hope this will stay between us," Winston clarified. "I promise," you said as you took the paper and left the hotel manager in his private lounge. After spending the evening, trying to track down Viggo's son, John Wick returned to his room very late at night. As he was getting ready for bed when he noticed a paper on the floor of his room. He picked it up and read it. Then he stashed the paper under his pillow along with the small revolver he keeps there for protection.

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