New Reality and Dark Sister in Action

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It took me a while, but I got dressed and left the room. Everyone I passed in the hallways would pause for a moment and do a little bow, everyone except some of the servant girls. They would still bow but shuffle on quickly.

I felt bad because I remembered reading how Aegon had preyed on many of these girls. I could not undo the damage he had done but I could stop it from happening again.

Loud clanking sounds broke me out of my thoughts and diverted my attention to a large opening in the wall, almost like a balcony. I stepped to the balcony and saw a crowd surrounding two men, one brunette and one with the Targaryen platinum blonde hair, as they sparred intensely. The blonde man had worn an eye patch.

Aemond. And the brunette sparring with him must be Cole.

Less than a minute later Aemond held the point of his sword to Cole's neck clearly having bested him. I couldn't hear what was being said down in the training grounds, but I saw Aemond turn sharply to face two young, brown-haired, boys. They were dressed nicer than the rest of the crowd.

Jace and Luke. I concluded.

It seemed one of the boys was going to respond to Aemond when the large wooden doors enclosing the training grounds opened and a group of men came in riding their horses. They were led by a dark-skinned man with curly platinum hair.


He rode in all arrogant and smug as if he had a stick up his ass. Little did he know he was riding in for his death. Well when you f*ck around, you find out.

With Vaemond's arrival, the crowd began dispersing and very soon the training grounds cleared. I roamed about for a few more minutes and then found my way back to my room.

A few hours later a servant girl came, barely halfway through the door, to inform me that the Queen demanded my presence at the royal court.

It was only after she left that I realized I had no idea which way the court was. Nonetheless, I went out of the room looking. Luckily, a few minutes later, I ran into Helaena at the bottom of a staircase.

"Mother has called us to the court," she said softly.

"Yes. I was headed there now." I responded.

She stared at me blankly and then eyed me suspiciously.

"You came from your chambers?" She asked.

"Yes...?" I said, uncertain if that was the right answer.

She looked at me suspiciously for a few more seconds and then began walking up the stairs I had just walked down.


"Come," She said softly again, and I began following her. It took me less than a minute to realize I had been nearly the opposite way.

She definitely noticed it. Why didn't she say anything?

My eyes fixated on the back of her head as I panicked. But she continued walking in silence. None of her mannerisms seemed suspicious.

She is a dreamer; would she know that I wasn't actually her husband? Brother? Husband? Ugh! Why did the Targaryens have to be so disgusting? Wait! If I was to continue as Aegon, would that mean I would have to have spousal relations with my sister? Well, she isn't really my sister. Right? Not me, me.

The train of thought began giving me a headache and before I realized I was standing next to Helaena in front of a large double door. Helaena gave a head nod to the two guards who stood on either side of the door who then opened it, allowing us to go inside. The courtroom was buzzing with many groups of twos or threes, mostly men. Lords, I guess.

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