The House of Dragons Stands United

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"My Prince, the Queen awaits your presence." Ser Arryk said, coming behind me where I stood on the terrace.

"Is everything ready?" I asked.

"Everything is as you commanded my Prince," Ser Arryk answered.

"Ser Harrold is in position?" I questioned.

"Along with my brother, Prince," he answered.

"Has Helaena returned to the castle?" I asked.

"Right here," Helaena answered before Ser Arryk could as she walked up to me. She looked gorgeous in a blue gown with silver embroidery, matching the colors of her mount, Dreamfyre.

"Wow!" I said in a low voice. It was all that came out as I was stunned by this beauty that came closer with slow, light steps. I stared at her up and down and she blushed.

Finally, I took a deep breath and spoke,

"Did Mother give you any trouble?" I asked.

"She had questions but thankfully grandfather convinced her that the time for answers was not tonight," Helaena answered.

That's when a faint orange light caught my eye in the distant clouds.

"Looks like Meleys IS the fastest dragon," I said, grabbing Helaena's hand and walking to the throne room. Ser Erryk was waiting for us at the door of the throne room with another white cloak. The twin brothers nodded their heads to each other as we entered the room.

Otto Hightower stood right in front of the great Iron Throne. A little to his right stood Alicent in her signature green with Aemond and Criston on each of her sides. The small council and a few other lords stood talking in various parts of the room. However, everyone got quiet when Helaena and I entered the room. All eyes were on us now. Slowly we made our way to the front of the room.

"My Lords!" Otto Hightower finally called out. "Today is the saddest of days. Our beloved king, Viserys the Peaceful, is dead." Otto announced. It was clear not everyone there knew as the lords began chattering amongst themselves.

"But it is also the most joyous of days," he continued. "For as his spirit left us he whispered his final wish that his firstborn son, Aegon, should succeed him." There was another round of chattering around the room.

"It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this. A new day for our city. A new day for our realm. A new king to lead us." Otto concluded.

The lords chattered amongst themselves, and I saw some shifty eyes between them but to my dismay, none of them spoke up.

I stepped forward and looked around the room. Otto gestured for the High Septon to step forward but before he could say anything I raised my hand, stopping him in his tracks.

"My father ruled this realm for six and twenty years. All of you lords enjoyed a time of peace and prosperity during his reign and served him faithfully until his dying breath."

Many of the lords exchanged smiles. The smug Lannister bastard could barely contain himself. However, Otto gave only a weak, uneasy smile. Clearly, he was worried about what I would say.

"Yet not a day passed," I continued. "It has not been one day since my father's passing, and you all BROKE YOUR OATHS!"

There was a tense silence in the room.

"You and your houses swore oaths to seat Princess Rhaenyra on the Iron Throne after my father and none of you have lived up to your oaths!"

Otto quickly grabbed my arm and jerked me back to face him.

The House Of Dragons Must Stand UnitedWhere stories live. Discover now