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Jack agreed on taking the papers outside, normally you have to report it in his office but I need to leave as soon as possible.

I check the time, it's gonna be 5pm soon.

"Bye" I say to Jack as I leave,

I go to the reception, get my clothes back and give my uniform to them as I change in the small room,

"Get me a new uniform" I tell them and they write down my name and stuff,

I hand them my mask and leave by the backdoor, I feel like I'm about to faint right now.

I walk towards my house and see a cop car outside, what the fuck is happening.

I walk inside the house and lady calls outs for me, "excuse me!" She yells,

I turn back, and she walks towards me, "are you Alexis miles?" She asks,

"Yep" I reply trying to sound like a normal teenager.

"I'm sorry but can we talk" she says,

"I'm sorry but I don't think my dad would accept company right now" I reply and start to head back inside, I face the door and she looks at me from behind,

"Your dad's dead" she replies,

Why did she just say and why am I grinning from ear to ear?

I shake of the grin off my face, "sorry?" I ask as I turn back to face her,

"I'm sorry, sweety but your dad got into a car accident, could we talk inside?" She asks,

"Yeah sure" I reply and she enters the house with me, god it's so peaceful, I love it.

She makes me sit down on the sofa, the same sofa where Micheal was laying down this morning.

She then sits beside me and faces me, "apparently he was drunk driving and hit a pole, the car's brake were fail. he was so intoxicated that he wasn't allowing the medics to help him and he was bleeding alot. I'm really sorry to tell you all this, I really wish I didn't have to tell you" she says,

God I'm the happiest person on this planet but also the most depressed. Why did he have to die like this? I wanted to be the one who kills him.

"So, what do I do now?" I ask with teary eyes, I gotta put on a show for her, gotta be desperate.

I have always hated foster homes and orphanages, I wonder where are they gonna send me,

"Actually, we have looked into your record and we found out your biological father, do you think he would take you in? I'm not sure about your family history" she says,

"I'm not sure either, my mom married my step dad, Micheal and left my biological father. What do you think I should do?" I ask her, jack won't adopt me because he's associated with the assassins bussiness, I can't let him be in danger because of me.

"Oh honey, don't worry, we will ask you father and then get back to you, okay?" She replies,

"What if he declines?" I ask,

"You will have to go to an orphanage or I'll help you get a foster mom and dad" she replies,

"Whatever you would like" she adds,

"Thank you so much" I reply and we both stand up,

"Do you have a number I can call onto when I get your biological father's reply?" She asks,

I don't know if I wanna get in contact with him, life here is fine. But wouldn't it be better to leave this and start a new life?

"Um, here's the landline number" I say and hand her a pecice of paper with the number,

"All right sweetie, take care and I will be back tomorrow to check up on you, call me if you have any problem" she says,

"Thanks" I reply and she heads out.

I walk into my room and just lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling with nothing to worry about, I can sleep for the whole day and not give a shit. I can eat whatever I want, well actually, scratch that, I have been puking and feeling nauseous everytime I eat something and my stomach and throat also hurts, this has been happening since Micheal hit me very hard in the stomach

Soon my eyes get heavy and fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of the landline ringing, "fuck" I groan and get up from the bed,

I pick up the phone with my left hand and it immediately falls down, "shit" I sigh, I forgot that I'm injured,

I pick it up with my right hand, "hello?" I ask on the call, wondering who it is,

"Hello, Alexis?" Says the women on the other line, sounds like the cop lady, I totally forgot,

"Yep" I reply and wait for her reply,

"I'm sorry, you must be greiving right now but I'm happy to inform you that your biological father would love to take you in and he's sending your brother to meet you tomorrow" she says,

i stay silent for a bit, wondering what should I do and if I have to leave this place,

"You can refuse,dear" she says trying to comfort me,

"Or you can meet him and then give a decision" she adds,

"I think I'm going to meet him" I reply,

"Okay darling, take care" she says and hangs up, I keep the phone down and check the time, it's 8pm.

Might as well sleep a bit more, I'm so tired.

The Missing Mafia PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin