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Logan's pov

I was just dealing with some work. Sending men over at our rival's house.

Though we don't say anything to eachother's faces. We both know the deep hatred we have for each other.

It won't be long before they strike at us. Alexis could also be hurt.

I ran my hand through my hair as I sit down in dad's office.

I wonder what Alexis is doing.

Father enters and I stay seated. He sits infront of me while unbuttoning his suit.

He slam some files and paper on the table between us and I pick them up.

I read through them and just scoff.

"How was the meeting?" I asked him while still reading through,

"Decent. We made the deals and everything is right on track again." He replied looking at me,

I kept the files down after reading them,

"So, everything's good?" I ask,

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" He replied, "although, you know how we sent some men of ours in the countries where we have an assassin's base?" He added

"Yeah?" I replied, confused with where this is going,

"Well, the one where Harry had visited, they said that their top assassin retired" dad spoke again, sighing,

"Bullshit. Someone probably just brought him off. I bet it was gusso" I said, angry as I stood up,

"Could be" dad replied,

"How is everything going?" Dad suddenly asks,

"Good. I checked out the bases before coming here. Everything has been operating perfect. Tonight will be the fight event. Lucas is prepared to beat everyone down. " I said, sitting back down regaining my composure.

"Good, yeah. I was thinking of appointing him as alexis's bodyguard." Dad replied, sighing as he leaned back,

I nodded, we can't let alexis be in danger, especially now that the rival gang is striking at us.

I took a deep breath before standing up, "I should go and meet up with Yozu. Gotta talk to him about tonight's prep"

Dad nodded but called out for me as I stood near the door ready to open it. I turned around,

"How's alexis?" He asked,

"What do you mean? Shes obviously fine.. isn't she? She's was out with matt earlier the day for her school and I told him to buy her some stuff" I looked at him, worried why he would ask such a question out of the blue,

"Everything okay?" I asked him as I realised his face changed into worriness,

"Did Matt not tell you?" Dad looked around before returning his gaze to me,

"Alexis had a nightmare earlier the day, she was in tears, sweating badly. I just.. I just want her to be okay" dad spoke up,

Matt didn't tell me shit. I scoffed.

"I'll talk with him" I replied as I walked outside.

How fucking dare he.

I walked downstairs and regained my composure upon seeing Jade.

I walked towards her and hugged her, "what are you doing here?" I asked her,

"Nothing much. I just heard from my brother that there's this fight tonight. I guess it's more of a fight club ritual thingy?" Jade spoke, her voice is so sweet and soft.

"Hey hey, don't forget the number one rule. But yeah,  It's just for other rich guys to come in and bid on their fighters but don't worry. The champion belongs to us. No one can beat him." I replied,

"Sounds fun, can we go?" She asks, with a smile on her face. She's so beautiful.

"Of course" I replied and finally pulled myself away from her.

"I'm going to Yozu right now for tonight's prep. Wanna come along?" I spoke as I caressed her hair,

"That's fine, I'm here to meet with your dad anyways. We can meet up at night" she smiled to which I nodded. We then parted our ways.

Jade was an advocate. She regularly met with me and my dad. I saw a bunch of other people walking behind jade to my dad's office.

They just worked under jade.

I took a deep breath before walking outside and getting in the car. I drove myself back at the base and met with yozu.

I helped him prepare the list of guests that were coming over.

It was around 10pm when the prep was finally over. It was a small building. It had a few halls and they all led to the arena. It had a ring in between with spotlights all around it and boxes on top of the crowd for us and the guest's to sit.

I walked outside and got in my car, driving towards home. I couldn't wait to talk to alexis and matt. I was angry at matt and worried for alexis.

I parked the car and entered through the main door. Seeing Matt chase Alexis.

"What is going on here?" I spoke, a bit loudly and saw both of them stopping right where they were and Alexis slighy flinching.

"Just playing around" matt spoke up and walked closer to alexis,

"You both might fall and get hurt, be careful" I spoke, my tone low and cold.

I walked closer to them, and saw alexis figeting with Matt's hand. Do I make her nervous? Awkward? I walk past them before calling for matt.

Alexis stays in the living room as matt walks with me to my room,

"What happened? At morning" I turned to matt,

"What?" He asked back, I was frustrated.

We entered my room as I unbuttoned my shirt. Matt walked around me and just sat on my bed,

"What's the whole thing about Alexis's nightmare? You talk to her?" I asked him as I opened my wardrobe looking for A shirt to wear for tonight.

I heard matt sigh and I turned around to face him, "speak" I ordered, my tone was cold and stern.

I took out a shirt and walked infront of matt,

"She just dreamt about our mother. She felt bad because she's dead and she just was crying and sweating badly. Rolling in her sleep until I woke her up" matt spoke up,

"Mother?" I looked at matt as I repeated and then walked away,

"Alright. Go to her and have fun chasing eachother" I scoffed but I meant it.

"And be careful. I don't want either of you to be hurt" I added as I stepped in the bathroom and locked the door.

I needed a quick shower.

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