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The adrenaline rush was crazy, I couldn't help but smile. No one could see me though, because of my mask.

I walked inside the ring, there's blood everywhere! all eyes on me. I heard whispers 'a girl?' 'she'll get killed in no time' 'pathetic'.

I'm not pathetic.

I stood infront of my opponent. I knew everyone was gonna bet on Lucas. He seemed pretty buff.

I watched the previous fights of Lucas after signing on that paper. He absolutely demolished the guys, I think more than half of them ended up with broken bones.

Before I stepped into the ring, I remember Enzo begging me to not go. Well, here I am.

The bell rang and everyone went silent. Watching our fight.

Well, I think I might have underestimated this guy but that's the crazy fun part.

He started punching me, constantly. No breaks, I kept my guard up and it was strong. The fight just started and he was already in charge.

I brought myself some time as I gave him a punch back which didnt have much impact on him.

He charged towards me again, trying to kick me over as I continued to dodge them. The crowd was shook.

Not gonna lie, he is fast. But I'm faster.

I smiled as I continued to fight with him, his gaze went up a couple of times. So while guarding my face, I looked up.


That definitely surprised me as my guard went down and he was able to land a hit on me. I shook my head and immediately regained my composure.

I saw father and my brother's except alec. I think I even saw jade.

I continued to fight, everyone's gaze was on me.

His punch that got to my abdomen was burning like hell, especially since the bruise given my Micheal wasn't healed yet.

He continued to punch and kick while I just dodged. He was in control. I couldn't attack. I could only defend.

It was clear he was frustrated as he took out a knife from his pocket? Weirdo.

Well, it was already illegal so there weren't any good proper rules. So he could use his fists or weapons that could be used only in a combat with hands. Like knives or dragges. Not gun.

He charged towards me with the knife, serious Deja Vu.

I dodged it by grabbing his shoulder and doing like a cartwheel over his shoulder. I should be a gymnastic.

He was definitely angry.

He turned back to me, my mask was slightly losen. I quickly tightened it while dodging his kicks.

While this intense match, he let his guard down, looking up again at my father.

I took this opportunity and pulled his head and smashed it on my knees, taking his knife away from him.

There was just some peace I found while I kept on smashing his head against my knees, smiling like a fucking maniac. Thankfully, no one saw my face.

I turned him over as he laid in the ring. Everyone was silent. The only sounds were of my heavy breathing and lucas's angry pain grunting.

I chuckled. Everyone heard.

I had him right where I wanted. I couldnt really toy with the guy I killed earlier today. I guess I have enough time to toy with this one.

I stopped and stood still. Not moving as I saw him, struggling to get up.

But once he was up, he charged himself onto me.

Everyone was silent and it was just him screaming like a madman as he charged towards me.

And like always, I dodged him.

He's getting weak and slow. Everyone gasped as they saw him fall to his knees as I smashed his head across my knee once more.

He fell.

It was silent.

No one spoke a thing.

It was a bit weird as it consisted of alot of people, and I kinda just took down the champion.

I shrugged before turning around and facing up, looking at my family.

I was still grinning but no one saw that.

I scoffed as I tried to got off the ring, but I felt a pull behind me. That fucking idiot pulled me and threw me down.

I think I officially broke my ribs.

The Missing Mafia PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now